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Date Posted: 22:37:21 10/10/14 Fri
Author: Pretz
Subject: Long time no see

Hello, HarmyFriends!

I've missed you! Recently I found JAG airing on two different channels and I'm sucked in again. I'm even having dreams reliving our FanFest adventures! I started watching from season 1 and am in the middle of season 4 right now. It's nice to see that the HarmyBoard is still going strong. Here's a few thoughts after watching 4 seasons of reruns so far.

Season 1 was just kind of blah for me. Maybe I'm comparing 1995 TV production quality with what's on now, but the whole season doesn't interest me much. Also, the ancient cell phones and computers they were using crack me up, lol! And most importantly, I can't handle long-haired Harm. (You guys remember my short hair Harm obsession? Lol!)

Season 2...ahh, this is where the show really starts. I am in full on H/M shipper mode from the beginning.

Season 3, my favorite so far. Things just seem so easy between Harm and Mac.

Season 4...I was enjoying it right up until Brumby made his appearance.

I really haven't watched much JAG in a while, so we'll see how I feel about the rest of the seasons as I rewatch them. I have watched a few eps of the final season recently and, damn, they were darker and more dreary than I remember.

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[> Oh, and the whole Admiral and Mac underlying attraction is just icky to me. -- Pretz, 23:16:10 10/10/14 Fri

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[> [> For me this is definitely an ewwwww moment. Did they really need to go there, especially in light of Mac's "history"? -- Alicia, 13:27:00 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> I think they couldn't make up their minds- It's like they thought there had to be a senior junior officer conflict and if it wasn't Harm and Kate or Harm and Krennick then lets try Mac and Admiral but I think by season three they decided once and for all it wasn't working - I remember in Jaggle Bells he said sometimes being an officer means you can't do things you'd like to - and that was the last time they played with the Mac AJ thing -- chris k, 18:30:12 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> [> Exactly! I'm in the middle of S4 and just watched Jaggle Bells so this little storyline is fresh in my mind. I sure hope it's the last mention of it. -- Pretz, 21:46:28 10/11/14 Sat

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[> Hello Pretz !! Glad to see you back among us !!! I agreewitheverything you said !! Hope to see you more !! Take care !! :) -- Laurence, 00:15:03 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> Hi Laurence! I'm going to try to hang around the HB now that I see everyone is still here. Sometimes it is tough to find the time, but now that I'm spending the kids' naptime watching JAG, lol, I can try to get on the board then or after they go to bed. -- Pretz, 21:51:43 10/11/14 Sat

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[> PRETZ! Oh goodness. How great to see you here. I haven't seen a JAG ep in forever as all of my copies are on VHS and I've no idea what to do with them all. So I only post on eps I can remember well. As it's 1:20 am, my eyes are half closed, so I'll have to think more about your post manana. -- Cece, wishing we Harmies could all get together at another fanfest., 04:22:29 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> Cece! Nice seeing you too. You must have a great memory because I couldn't discuss any eps without having rewatched them, lol! -- Pretz, thinking another fanfest would be fun too. I have such good memories of our times at fanfest and I miss everyone. Especially Lauri., 22:01:27 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> [> Pretz, it's those adorable children of yours! They suck all your brain cells! The memory ones go first! LOL -- The Chief (nice to see you pop by! Don't be such a stranger!), 00:23:57 10/13/14 Mon

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[> [> [> [> Exactly, Chief! I think I've lost more brain cells as a mother than if I had done drugs all my life, lol! -- Pretz, 13:50:40 10/13/14 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> LOLOL! Pretty much! -- The Chief, 20:07:07 10/14/14 Tue

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[> Nice to see you here Pretz - I suspect with a national channel airing JAG at the same time across the country- more of us might rediscover it and new people might find the board- it's one hell of a show ! which channel are you watching it on>? -- chris k, 18:36:23 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> I have DirecTV and it is on TVGN, the TV Guide network (ch 273) and INSP, Inspiration (ch 364). -- Pretz, 21:43:39 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> [> INSP does omit episodes unfortunately, and key ones too. -- Alicia, 23:03:29 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> [> [> Yeah, I've noticed, and I'm sure they cut out parts of eps they don't like too. But I'm stuck with that channel if I want to watch the show. -- Pretz, 23:30:51 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> The JAG fans are out there en masse, and alot are watching on INSP. With the help of fb coupon I was able to put my lil page out there.. I am quickly closing in on @3k followers. It's actually a little mind blowing. -- Alicia, 23:15:01 10/11/14 Sat

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[> [> [> What's your page? -- usmgrad, 18:03:18 10/12/14 Sun

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[> [> [> [> see inside -- Alicia, 19:53:51 10/12/14 Sun

Right now its JAG -North of Union Station on fb.

The thought struck me to do a 20 year anniversary site with all the modern trappings etc. which will be, northofunionstation.com.

FB didn't have a real active JAG page, so I thought I'd make a companion page, and it grew quickly. Right now folks are putting their own twist on where they are now.

It's turning into quite the lil page, and there is a chance to win the script for the last episode.

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[> [> [> [> [> Thanks -- usmgrad, 20:32:46 10/12/14 Sun

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[> Hi Pretz! So good to see a long long Harmy friend! I hope you're able to stick around! -- JJ Ronda, 07:59:43 10/12/14 Sun

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