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Date Posted: 00:26:46 11/09/14 Sun
Author: Alicia
Subject: They were potentially the best couple, with the dare I say worst couple storyline. I have to admit, I don't quite get the not yet. Then again, I don't get why Harm couldn't tell Mac he and Renee broke up. I do agree about the exchanged looks in that episode -- though Harm's eyes and expressions in Lifeline told such a story.
In reply to: Laurence 's message, "Just thinking ( at 11:24 p.m ) so nearly midnight, since how long do we know each others ? So happy for many reasons to have met so much people who became friends and I can say a second family It's good to have someone to talk to because I would have gone insane ! When I think also than even years after, on some french forums, than ( women ) still don't get the ' not yet ' I don't dare imagine the state they were with what followed. It's also what I like with english/american culture you better understand how work feelings & the mind. Need to say more, but don't remember what I wanted to add. See you later, if it's ok with you." on 17:34:19 11/07/14 Fri

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[> [> I could be mistaken but didn't DJE *direct* "Lifeline"? He got to say how the lines were delivered, the looks that were exchanged, etc. I think he knew as well as anyone how the fans felt and the actors certaily missed the super-shipper writer, R. Scott Gemmill (who gave us all that great stuff in Seasons 3 & 4). DJE was certainly a shipper, especailly at that point when things were still so UST-filled between H&M. -- The Chief, 01:12:40 11/09/14 Sun

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[> [> [> Yes, it was the first episode he directed for JAG. He did a great job, with it and the two others he did. It's funny. It's funny, Lifeline is one of my favorite episodes, not necessarily for the storyline between H and M, but because of the play , the nuances and the subtle intensity between DJE and CB. It was well played, especially again with his eyes and looks, and body language. -- Alicia, 01:58:40 11/09/14 Sun

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[> [> [> [> ok, I need an edit button. It was not that funny to have is said twice. oy! -- Alicia, 02:00:16 11/09/14 Sun

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