Subject: +Grin+ |
Author: Kris
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Date Posted: 22:08:29 08/19/02 Mon
In reply to:
hs's playa..Laiel
's message, "((wonder))" on 21:44:50 08/19/02 Mon
+Brunette grins wdely as she reads and pops herself into the virtual world. Counting quickly on her fingers, she speaks.+ Erm, Bairavee, F&B, Forbidden Depths, Lost Darkness, Obscure Demise, Silv-Chaos, Leila, Levlynn, Shadows Skulls, Summoner of Light, Golden Saber, Flecks and Shattered Anapo. Holy cow! That's more than I thought! Epps, don't worry, you shouldn't feel sorry. It was bound to happen. :P And besides, I gotta play alot if I ever want to post a good as you do. I guess I still have a few years then hey? I'm in grade ten, and I'm the youngest gr 10 in the whoooole school. Only 14! :'( Oh well, I'll live. And the whole flustered thing, lol, that's just me. Kitty's not that bad, she just dumped a few on me, and I had the option to delete a few, but I just could stand letting any of mine go, and I love hers almost as much ^_^ Then Kitty's little sister sorta gave up on this, and that p.o.ed me, so I picked up her two, Obscure Demise and Chaos. It's actually pretty neat, playing this many. You can make up about a million things to do. And then of course, when here are slightly too many, you have to get rid of some +pouts+ Poor
Trance. Lol, I sound like such a pessimist. Blah, have fun in college I gotta go finish off another big problem I created in the light south +grin+ What would ya’ll do without me? +poofs out to post elsewhere...+
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