HeLl SiNgEr
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Date Posted: 15:24:47 01/22/03 Wed
(*)Though his words would be uplifting to many, only more did they stab this crimson. It wasn't substantially his sayings, but more what they were a facade for. Excellent had she become over he many years, at reading faces, and this one told too much. Death even knew she didn't want to hurt him, and if only he knew how this trully hurt her. Like thousands of blows....she loved him so. She just didn't want to hurt him.(*)
(*)Dome remained crested to the foundation, but an agile paw reached up to caress his jaw...the most beloved part of the beast. Enthralled she became, puls pounding, but quickly did she stifle, finding her emotion soon-to-be-reckless in such a moment. She knew not what to say(*)
Forgive me. I see the hurt upon your face, and makes me wish I had never spoken at all. But I can not change my tongue has always been to quick for my jaws to close upon it. But HaC....tell me what you trully thik about us, and then I will present my thoughts...and only then, because for now, I am sick in confusion.....
(*)Her paw began to fall down his form, abandoned to her thoughts and torturing toils. Damn always ruin things, HeLl SiNgEr....always....(*)
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