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Subject: Re: Just Grand

Shinto Keshan
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Date Posted: 03:13:35 09/16/02 Mon
In reply to: Cupid (the villans) 's message, "What's wrong with him!?!?!" on 22:40:58 09/14/02 Sat

Seeing the gass flowing Shinto breathed a few times before taking a breath in. The gass enveloped him. Meanwhile Lars jumped out of the craft wearing a oxygen mask. Hitting the ground he rolled and then quickly ran twords where he had seen Shinto.

Lars searched through the gass "Danm it next time I should just use 2" he wailed to himself. He took a few more steps until his feet ran across a rope suddenly something moved infront of him. "GOT'CHA" Lars yelled as he grabbed A BEACH UMBRELLA?

"Ahhhhh!" the female yelled as Shinto burst through the smoke and latched onto the opening in the craft. Half his body dangled in the air as his arms held him in place his Uzi pointing twords the cockpit. The trigger was pulled but nothing came out. The violet haired womens eye's budged for a second as she sighed in releaf. Shinto however was reaching for the shotgun that was packed on his back. The women saw this and pulled on the controles, causeing the craft to tilt sideways. This did mess up his shot. It also rolled Shinto right into the cockpit and onto the female head first.

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Re: Just GrandCupid (The villans)03:52:29 09/16/02 Mon

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