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Subject: *She groans, now too weak to growl or snarl*

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Date Posted: 18:26:10 02/12/02 Tue
In reply to: Death in a Heartbeat 's message, "()They drag in the beaten female and throw her to the ground in front of the creek()" on 18:24:14 02/12/02 Tue

*Yelps as each blow comes in and groans as blood drips out of her mouth* Stop... stop it..

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[> [> Subject: ~Walks over~ Hello there.

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Date Posted: 18:29:12 02/12/02 Tue

~Grins at her and bends down to her level~ Hi. I planned all this. Confusion, then these guys, now I'm gonna do what I should have done a long time ago. ~Smiles and leaves for another second, returning wtih a cooler with beer bottles in it~ Every single one goes onto a part of you body, your stomach and your head get triple the shots. ~He smiles and one at a time, bashes them on her body and head. Then gets a baseball bat and beats her entire body, to the point to where he could see the bruises through her fur~

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[> [> [> Subject: *Hardly makes any noise as the bottles hit her body*

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Date Posted: 18:33:01 02/12/02 Tue

*She feels all of the pain coursing through her body to the extent of wanting to kill herself. She edges towards the creek and stops halfway, her body beaten and broken too much to move any farther*

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[> [> Subject: *a dragons roar*

unknown until seen
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Date Posted: 18:57:19 02/12/02 Tue

You hear a dragons roar. Yet, an Irish Setter runs out and looks for Bridget. Seeing her.. and JJ. He runs over, jumps on JJ. Knocking him into the water, he bites his face and jumps in afteer him. He pushes JJ's body under with his and snaps at his face underwater. Blood comes up and turns the lovely creek into a sickening blood pool. He is not seen. Finally, he comes up, his red coat even redder witht he blood. He pulls himself next to Bridget, and carefully and quickly pulls the glass out of her. Bridget... Are you ok? Tears well in his eyes. This can't be happening. THey needed to be together. Why could nobody realize that? He curls next to her and tries to warm her with his wet body.

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[> [> [> Subject: *Yelps at the weight digging into her cuts*

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Date Posted: 05:20:15 02/13/02 Wed

*Blood pours out of her head and both of her paws are broken. Ribs are fractured and lord knows what else is wrong inside of her* Get Tabby..... or Jen.... *Is all she can say before renduring unconsious*

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *Drives out looking for her dogs*

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Date Posted: 12:09:24 02/13/02 Wed

*See Gunner, but no Bridget. All he sees under Gunner, is a red, bloody heap. Then she sees the other wolves, JJ, a bunch of broken beer bottles and the bloody baseball bat and creek* Oh my god! *Runs over to JJ and lifts him up by his shirt* WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOG? *Her anger overpowers her and she slugs him in the face* TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO MY GOD DAMN DOG!!! *Tears pour from her face and she slugs him again*

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: He licks Bridget's cheek

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Date Posted: 13:24:42 02/13/02 Wed

He stands up and stays in front of Bridget, protecting her from the other madness going on. A low growl is emitted. Though low, everyone could hear the rumble from the savage throat. Seeing Tabby had most of it unnder contorl, he puts his attention to the wolves. He paces in front of Bridget, making sure nothing came close to her.

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[> [> [> Subject: *~Take A Ride On The Wild Side~*

*Hurricane Thunder*
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Date Posted: 13:45:13 02/13/02 Wed

A whirlwind appears out of nowhere. Everyone and everything is pulledd closer and closer... Finally, it stops and a bloodthirsty and terrifying animal stands before them. A very dark brown (almost black) wolf lifts his nose to the sky and howls. He had heard of her.. Bridget. Yes. Everyone talkeed about this wolf. When he looks thouhg, he see's it is not a wolf at all. Nothing but a bag of bones that took the shape of an Irish Setter. he "pffed" and walked closer. Seeing the male in front of her, his eyes glow red and he glares. In less than a heartbeat, he is on top of Gunner and ripping at his throat and back with his needlepoint teeth.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *yelps*

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Date Posted: 13:51:30 02/13/02 Wed

Under the weight of him, he pulls away from Bridget. He didn't want her to be in danger. Finally, turning at snapping at the wolf's face, he knocks him off and runs over to Bridget, blood dripping from his mouth, head, and back in sheets. He stood b4 Bridget to keep the cold hearted wolf away from her. His legs begin to feel weak and he thinks they are about to buckle beneath him. He starts to get dizzy and his lips quiver. Blood rushes from his mouth, staining his white teeth with blood. He begins to fall, but regains his footing. He would fight til' the end. He swore it. Either they would die, or he would die. But Bridget would not die. He wouldn't let them. Glancing back, his ees showed trust. He stared into Bridget's eyes for a second, letting her know everything would be alright and that she'd be alright. Then, so a surprise attack wouldn't actually surprise him, he turns and bares his red teeth at the wolf.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *~Take A Ride On The Wild Side~*

*Hurricane Thunder*
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Date Posted: 14:00:52 02/13/02 Wed

He laughs. YOu think you scare me? Think again! *He leaps onto him, smashing his body into the ground. He glances up to see Bridget in front of him, unconsious. FInally, he grabs ahold of Gunner's neck... Right beneath his chin. He pulls his jaws to where his mouth is closed and Gunner's bones crack. His jawcrushing teeth slide out of Gunner's flesh. He sniffs Bridget. He feels a tingle inside of him, like she was in heat, but he didn't know. Maybe she was. He grins and drapes Bridget over his back. He begins to start his whirlwind again, getting ready to leave.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Is once again under his weight* (Powerplayer!!)

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Date Posted: 14:08:00 02/13/02 Wed

He tries to throw im off... Then, he feels the blinding pain in his throat. Blood pours out of his mouth. It soon makes a puddle as he lays in the grass. Then blood slithers through the dead grass and inches around his fur, turning him redder than before. His body is writhing in excrusiating(sp?) pain as he lays. He hardly twitches at all. He finally uses his last bit of energy. Right before Hurricane Thunder blows away in the wind, he knocks Bridget off his back, sending the wolf away on his own. THne he collapses next to her, whispering how sorry he was. He could have caught her.. or tried. His breathing steadied, then started to slow. His eyes cloud over and his throat is clogged with clumps of dry blood. He coughs... No good. He stares into Bridget's eyes. They tell her he loves her. He whispers something that is hardly heard. "If I don't make it... Remember me. I love you. If you don't make it, you don't have to worry. I'll always love you and will never forget you... I love you.." His eyes cloud over more, so that they are a rusty/grey color. Then, his breathing is not noticiable. His tounge hangs halfway out of his mouth and his body is stock-still...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Whimpers*

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Date Posted: 17:11:35 02/13/02 Wed

*Even though she is unconsious, she whimpers from her coma, understanding. She is still alive but she just lays there in pain and agony. She didn't understand the other wolf, but she understood Gunner. She lays limp and bloody, not moving*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Begins to re-take her wolf form once more*

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Date Posted: 17:22:38 02/13/02 Wed

*The cuts on her body slowly dissapear, and her bruises slowly dissolve into pure, blinding white fur. Her legs become longer, her chest broader and tighter against her body, showing her ribs. Her long, red fur turns into a white carpet that sourrounds a not fully formed figure. Her wolf muzzle reappears and her teeth become white and bare as her lips shrink back to wolf size, no longer needing to be so long. Her blue eyes go back to a heartless color. No longer red, blue, or black, they are the color of pure evil: Green. Her green eyes glow as she opens them and stands unevenly as her other two legs become longer and thinner. Her paws become larger and her claws become longer. Her body is no longer long, instead it is lean and thin. Her ribs are seen plainly and can be counted. Her once beautiful, long-haired tail becomes bushy and white. The redness in her fur is entirely gone, and her glimmering blue, is turned evil green. She stands in pure wolf form. She points her nose into the winds, and howls. Long and ghoulish, her howls ring through all of Cascade Mountains*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *the howls wakes him slightly*

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Date Posted: 18:29:26 02/13/02 Wed

No.. Bridget... You can't come back. YOu said so yourself. *He groans in pain, both physical and emotional*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Looks at him as she struggles through the last stages of becoming*

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Date Posted: 18:39:03 02/13/02 Wed

*She struggles to get the last caring words out of her mouth* I can't.... stop.... it.... I have a second life.... I'm stuck like this.... no... going.... back..... no magic can.... bring...me back. *Those were her last words before trotting towards the creek and getting a drink*

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