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Subject: Re: jc hunt

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Date Posted: 19:13:36 02/18/07 Sun

>>>no srry john you are the only con artist,you where
>>>supose to send me her papers and then you say you
>>>to regher and her grand parents and all this shit she
>>>is still alive and doing well if that pedigree is a
>>>fraud then so are you ,i would watch out for john i
>>>not the only one he has screwed!!!!!
>>this pedigree is a fraud. that dog died last year soon
>>after she arrived in South Alabama in the hands of
>>johnston and jordan. these are con artist and thieves.
>>anyone associated with this pair should be viewed as
>>the same
>Damn Johnny, you are a piece of shit. I heard alot of
>shit about your punk ass and now I know how true it
>is. We don't need shit like you in our game. You need
>a good ol fashion ass whoopin and I hope those that
>you have scammed do just that!

You would love to believe that I'm sure. To bad its not true and you along with others have to live with the reality that you are dealing with someone better than yourself. There is no need for me to run a scam of any form or fashion much to your disappointment. As far as a game goes, you are correct, I'm not involved in the careless way that most people deal with the pit bull. As far as any body getting whipped, you are in need of such due to your insolence and disrespect. Obviously your parents did not spend the needed time, necessary, beaten your behind at a time that would have made a difference. Today you are proving to be a worthless piece of matter. Your predjudice and hate is all you have to offer. That must be a very worthless way to live...

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