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Subject: :-) Re: 4 sale, real ones, ready

jason may
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Date Posted: 19:43:42 02/18/07 Sun

>I have over 20 new real dogs for sale now,
>most of my dogs can be used for TOP level competitions,
>this is not only words, ask around about my dogs,
>you can see my dogs on video your eyes and if you will
>like them , you can buy them
>you can see parents and grandparents of my dogs your
>eyes also
>probably you will see one of the best and gamest which
>you've ever seen.
>every year my dogs become better and better.
>some of my dogs became foundation dogs for building of
>many yards
>iwant to buy your whole dvd collection for 300$ please let me know how to go about doing that
>below pedegrees, pics and prices
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Lystick">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Lystick</a>
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Prickol">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Prickol</a>
>private (recieved deposite)
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Green">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Green</a>
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Vorobey">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Vorobey</a> 3500
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#ksh">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#ksh</a> 2700
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#bobr">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#bobr</a> 3200
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#veslo">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#veslo</a> 4000
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#kar">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#kar</a> 3500
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#martin">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#martin</a> 4000
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#boodoo">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#boodoo</a> 3500
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#makar">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#makar</a> 4000
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#boris">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#boris</a> 4000
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Mamont">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Mamont</a> 3000
>including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Zver">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Zver</a> 2700
>including shipping
>and TT (litterbrother to Karaklay, Boodoolay, martin
>etc) 3200 including shipping
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Wishnya">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Wishnya</a>
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#java">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#java</a> private
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Shishka">http://www.ablizinspitdogs.com/fs_all.htm#Shishka</a> 2000
>including shipping
>You can find dogs for sale in other places, but if you
>see other dogs and see my dogs on video, i think you
>will choice my dogs
>if you are interested ask me for more information
>You can contact with me ablizin@belmail.ru
>Sorry for my english, I hope You understand me.
>Good Luck.

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