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Subject: Re: Jake Wilder | |
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Date Posted: 20:31:42 07/01/06 Sat >Thanks mark ..a long time ago i read some old mags i >think pete sparks and a few others with .. a artical >on hemphill and under a shade tree in texas . ...... >the mags i read were a stack a foot high and peds from >hemphill and wilder and clouse i really didnt know the >value of what i was reading so forgot most of what was >exactly said but it was a good read you >said in a earlier post that Sarona sure did get some >good dogs from jake wilder .. i guess she got most of >the dogs when the getting was good .. i think most of >what she got was a hemphill clouse cross other than >maude being pure hemphill . ....... i have never seen >a man eater rednose from this line and to be truthfull >never any rednose curs .. i realize what someone said >that the young people today dont have to do the same >things the old timers went through to get dogs for >breedings and all what happens doing out crosses .. >ppl today can just get on the net and put in there >ordr and 20 kennels are flashing peds and prices and >everyone else is stupid ....... in time you will, see >plenty more old name bloodlines takeing a nose dive >because of stupid breeding management and greed when >selling pups ...and it wont be from old infirm dog men >causing the nose dive it will be from young know it >alls who learnt everything on the net ... jake wilder >didnt ruin anything he took his chances putting good >dogs in the right hands and peddeled away what he >needed for cash ...? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |