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Author: Mallard Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 00:46:26 07/02/06 Sun >LOL ... BOY YOU SURE HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT >EVERYTHING WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE ... THOSE TIME PERIODS >YOU CLAIM TO BE SO UP ON IS A DAM LIE ... YOU TOLD ME >YOURSELF YOU WERE CLEANING DOG CRAP FOR A GUY THAT >LATER COLD QUIT THE DOG HOBBIE ... YOU GOT ONE DOG ... >THATS A PET OWNER ... YOUR THINKING IS BASED ON >INFORMATION NOT FACT ... THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE ... >SIMILIAR TO PROPAGANDA ... YOUR HISTORY DIALOUGE IS >YOUR OPINION ... WE ALL HAVE THAT ... LOL ... BOY YOU SURE HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT EVERYTHING WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE ... **You are right, it would be impossible to say a lot about everything. If you take a quick look at how many posts are on this board, you will see that I am only an occasional contributor at best, but in your mind I have a lot to say about everything because I seem to have rooted myself deep in your psyche. This mind f@ck has you reacting emotionally whenever I have something to say. I responded to your post about Cochise because I had some first-hand knowledge with seeing some Martin Caesar dogs in action (if you can call it that), so I put the information out there. If you don’t want people to respond, why ask the questions? If you want fluff or to be validated every time you post something, try the Old School Rednose board. If you are right, then you are right. If you are wrong, deal with it or prove yourself right! One reason for this board is to exchange ideas. You don’t have the skill-sets or ability to deal with alternate view points. THOSE TIME PERIODS YOU CLAIM TO BE SO UP ON IS A DAM LIE ... **I was there. I can prove it. I am listed as a judge in the AADR Almanacs and have articles and a match reported in various SDJ’s. The published articles and Almanac references are during the era when people were using Martin Caesar progeny. You have seen some of these documents yourself, as I have personally shown them to you. You can’t change history. I was there and I kept the proof. I was involved since ’78 and got serious in the early 80’s. When you call someone a liar, you should be able to back up your claim. I have published several bits of “dated” information that reveals I was involved during that era, so it is obviously not a lie. Anything that does not support your point of view seems to generate this kind of response. Hell, this was an easy one to refute. In older days a man would be held personally accountable for such statements. It’s too bad that in this day and age, people like you can shoot these kinds of darts from behind a litigious shield. A coward dies a thousand deaths. YOU TOLD ME YOURSELF YOU WERE CLEANING DOG CRAP FOR A GUY THAT LATER COLD QUIT THE DOG HOBBIE ... **That’s right. When my teacher went on vacation, he entrusted me to stay at his home and take care of his dogs while he was gone. Part of taking care of dogs is picking up the crap. So you can see that the man had enough trust and confidence in me to watch his home and line of dogs when he was away. That was a tribute to my own integrity. Again, your inability to reason and rationalize has you responding negatively when someone does not agree with you. What was the point of mentioning that I picked up crap? You don’t pick up crap? The fact that the guy is not involved anymore means that the crap I picked up was un-fit crap? YOU GOT ONE DOG ... THATS A PET OWNER ... **I know you are upset because I did not say Martin Caesar dogs are the best and gamest in the world. Your tactics are that of a spurned adolescent. Look, do the best with what you have. Stop trumping them where it’s not deserved and you will not have people responding with the truth. The pet owner is the one breeding dogs to be game like Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin. YOUR THINKING IS BASED ON INFORMATION NOT FACT ... THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE ... SIMILIAR TO PROPAGANDA ... YOUR HISTORY DIALOUGE IS YOUR OPINION ... WE ALL HAVE THAT ... **Opinions are based on experience, knowledge (whether first-hand or gained from another source) and one’s own ability to sort out information. The “sort-out” part is where you are not particularly gifted. Concerning Martin Caesar progeny, my information comes from first-hand experience. I was there. When it comes to your line of dogs, we all know that when you read something that does not support you position, you get angry and try to discredit those who respond, but your fooh-foohed feelings cannot not alter the past. Sooner or later you will have to resolve that you did not procure high-end OFRN stock. Inside, I believe you know this as you have had ample opportunity to prove your theories where it counts. When it comes to proving your dogs, you are a no-show. When called to task you choose to shoot darts from behind a bush. Everybody’s wrong and you are right. If I saw Crenshaw/Corvino dogs go, then I can comment on it, because I saw it. If I saw Martin Caesar dogs go, then I can comment on it because I saw it. I saw what was around in those days and could see that there was no comparison with these Martin Caesar dogs, when put against what was considered fast lane at that time. If my findings were different I would say so. My Morgan bitch brought out the quit from a Martin Caesar female in less than 20 minutes. It was reported in the SDJ with verification from the ref. Is that first hand enough for you? I attended local events where Martin Caesar dogs were being tried. They were not competitive. Do you want me to lie and say they were great? They were not. They fought, but they were not high end dogs. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |