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Date Posted: 09:51:16 02/28/06 Tue

Not long ago I was told by someone that said this forum does not tell the truth nor does it tell the things that are false.
So to all who post on here listen to these words.
Each has their own mind and each axcepts truth as they view it or hear it.
If one reads the heading of this forum its not to say that what one reads on this forum is the truth nor is it false information.
It is however a forum to try and find and view in each persons mind what is true or false.
Some might be young to owning the breed or old as I'am.
Some seem to have been around from the begining of time.
But I will say this no matter how old or how young one is everyone of us can learn something.
Even if something is false its a learning exsperiece.
One only knows how many times one goes through the trials and failures with this breed.
While viewing history is a great resource to starting a new venture with this breed.
One must consider this -----this breed is being targeted all over the world not just here in ones back yard.For those that chose this breed above others one must relize that the word gameness that seems to appeal to all is not just in the breed but now must be a trait taken by the breeds owner.
I know some might be sick of the saying ETINCTION IS FOREVER
That my friends is the very fact that is true that I can honestly say about this forum.
For those new and those old timers its a fight for the life of a breed that each has chosen to own.
For those faint at heart and not willing to defend ones views on this breed then perhaps this may indeed be the wrong direction one has chosen to follow.Not takeing or downing anyother breed but no breed in the history of man or woman as I know of it has been taken in the wrong way as the A.P.B.T.
I for one often thought to myself over the years what in the world am I doing with this breed as its not even a pleasure to own them anymore.
It seems that not one day goes by that this breed somewhere and sometime is not in the headlines or sidelines of any of the many newspapers throughout this world and if that is not enough on cable on the animal programs.Not all is bad but the percentage of good to bad is good 10-15% if that compaired to 15-100% bad.
Man has sought knownledge as away of progressing through life as we know it.Yet for some reason when it comes to seeking the true nature of this breed man or woman seems to have lost the gift of knownledge.
Its more the fear factor that draws one to reading about the breed and excepting what one reads as the truth of the breed.
(example) program watched the other day on bite pressure of three breeds of dogs (guess who was included in the mix)
you got it.
Now here is the true fact the A.P.B.T.came in last of the three with the german sheppard second and the rottie first.
Yet when it comes to what one views as recieveing the most
coverage bad more then good the A.P.B.T.will always come in first.
Media hype true or false about the breed will sell more then if it were another breed.
Its a true fact that many old timers (sorry guys but its true most of us are now the old timers nowadays)
will tell the truth that this breed of dog is not a breed for everyone.This is a breed that whoever owns it must assume they are the alpha omega.
I'am not trying to disscourage anyone from getting involved with this breed.
I do try to give enough knownledge learned over the years to anyone who wants it that this beed is not to be taken lightly.
Perhaps as many would aggree that the fact that the A.P.B.T.
is in the shape it is now is because of those who should never have had the pleasrue of owning one of them.
Its my opion that this breed can do and in many cases out perform anyother breed that exsists today.
I had the pleasure of haveing one of the dogs I bred to become a compaion for the hearing impaired.
Now how many would or are amazed hearing that fact.
Yet many would say it could not be true.
But its not me or my dogs that are the only ones that have done this many owners and breeders have attained the same feat if not more.
But getting back to the main subject,all people have opions and all have different views,its not that anyone is lieing its just that people see things and have learned things in different ways.
Read,absorb,use what you have and you be the judge as to what one believes.That my friends was the reason for the forum in the first place.
Nobody has a lock on this subject of pit bull history.
And ask anyone that has been around the block a few times
the color of the nose does not make the dog nor does the color of its skin.
Being it is a rednose board does not mean anyother line of dogs will not produce a rednose or even look like an old family red.Every line of dogs will indeed produce a rednose and that is fact,as is all rednose lines will produce a color of nose other then rednose.
Read and learn as this is not the only forum there is to learn from.
Knownledge is a gift so learn all one can.
One could spend hoours and hours on the internet learning about this breed.
To those old timers that have contributed to this forum thankyou-even if your getting to be old as the hills lol

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