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Subject: Re: Thanks Mike

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Date Posted: 09:58:29 03/01/06 Wed
In reply to: jrb 's message, "Re: Thanks Mike" on 20:01:31 02/28/06 Tue

>Well real dog kennels from what i can see is you dont
>have one win anywhere and you are in the face of
>someone who has plenty of wins and maybe a few losses
>... where is it that you can make assumptions about
>what quality your dogs are with no wins and you get
>pissed when someone trys to steer you down the right
>path ... from what i have read IM has put up with your
>crap for so long he started to try and give you the
>benefit of the doubt but you in your ignornant mind
>have to insult his intregrity . man you gotta look in
>the mirror or people are gonna start to think you are
>looking down into the mirror wondering where all the
>crack went

I stopped argueing with John "THE VILLAGE IDIOT" a long time ago.

He is a joke! He posts peds of dogs that don't exsist and say they are game finishers.

He posted on another board saying "Lassie" and "Rin Tin Tin" were deep game dogs because they were loyal to humans.

The last ped(OFRN/Colby) he posted, the male is untouched as well as the female. The female is a year old! None of the dogs he has on his yard have ever had a tooth in them. When Bess was bred to Shooter, Bess didn't have a scratch on her. That Moe dog he has couldn't hurt a dog that wasn't fighting back.

He posted on another board about Colby's Keep. That Keep is 80 years outdated and he made a comment about not feeding red meat. That alone should tell you his level of understanding.

Compete....LOL! He won't even test those dogs. He has said this in many posts and in emails.

John didn't know what the ADBA Gazette was until last year!

He isn't even worth the time it took to write this post!

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