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Mike Norrod
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Date Posted: 07:54:38 03/03/06 Fri
In reply to: informer 's message, "Re: NEW STUD ON THE BLOCK" on 12:06:17 02/28/06 Tue

Well since you brought our kennel name into it, then maybe I better finally respond.

A lot you said about Hardhead is true. IMO I also don't think he needs to breeding dogs but most of all selling them if you had no experince with the breed of the purpose you are breeding for..
If you want to breed and keep them all and work with them, then I could possibly understand wanting more stock to work with. But him breeding untested stock, BTW TESTED not short look ats but most or all,,shown first, I think this isn't the best way to start out.

BTW There is some dogs Mary had I would have bred to or took from her yard. Maud came from her yard. Another good one was Rocky who was much better dog then his cur brother Rusty. Mary also had dogs bred like Mitzie in some of her dogs I would have also took or bred too but their is also many of them I didn't care for and the direction she went with some of her dogs. To bad she personally didn't work or stay in dogs long enough for her to personally prove her directions she went in her breeding programs.

As many dogs in history people will always debate the quality of certain dogs. Anyone which has had a few years around the game knows by looking at dogs and telling by how they interact with other dogs, if they have ever been look at.
Many dogs were given credit for things which you could look at them and see they hadn't.
At the time no claims or reports to state they had.
None were open to show.
Some these were Trouble, Jean's Reno and Killian's Cid, etc. But to debate this at this time and age would only upset people so I'm NOT commenting about Sarona dogs or anyone Else's....

But I'm not paying Hardheads food bill nor will I be buying a pup from that litter for these very reasons because once they are bred, they are retired here. I feel if he sells pups off dogs which ends up quiting later on then he should return everyone's money who bought a pup because they weren't tested at the time of the breeding or should I say culled for whatever purpose he was breeding for, He is experimenting at JRB expense. I don't think JRB needs someone else breeding his dogs, I think he would like people out there proving his line of dogs not just peddling them.

I seen Hardhead posts pups for sale all over the Internet. I would have hoped before he breed he already had homes or buyers for the pups before he did the breeding.
That way he could keep better track of them.
But then again, it's only my opinion. I think there is to many people breeding dogs that doesn't have the experience at what purpose they are breeding for.....

From my understanding of JRB is if you were doing it right and trying to prove his line of dogs and they weren't working out at first, I'm sure he is the type of breeder and dogman who be more then willing to work closely and personally with that person because that person is helping him as well to know certain things are far as which breeding are better then others and which direction to breed.

I also would think JRB would be more then reasonable with the prices if he would even charge a player at all...
I know I wouldn't. :)

These are only my opinions but most of all, it is none of my business and to each there own.

If a buyer wants one, knows all the facts pertaining to the breeding, knows the quality of the dogs and understands the deal, so be it! Good luck because this isn't the norm for producing quailty dogs. JMO

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12:43:36 03/03/06 Fri

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