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Subject: Re: The True Breeding of Wilder's Red Satan

Mike Norrod
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Date Posted: 06:33:14 03/08/06 Wed
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Re: The True Breeding of Wilder's Red Satan" on 18:30:43 03/07/06 Tue

>Who wrote that? Nice writing. Mike you have people
>writing for you now? Your e mail to me was vulgar and
>very disrespectful. Please never e mail me again
>unless you want more clear cut explanations about your
>ROSS line and where the true Wilder's Red Satan blood
>is stationed. Other than that, have a nice day.....

I wrote it ya dumbass. Who signed it!
I don't need a mouth piece like you do.

Well if you don't like my email then you shouldn't email me in the first place.

You know there can't be email because I started blocking your account to make you have to call, so don't try and make it sound like you are putting a stop to email when you know I already blocked your BS.

What's matter John, did you get told how it really is?
You got told what I wanted to say but couldn't in an open public forum.
How do you like it??
Now we will see how much of a dogman you are.
"The ball is in your court...

I don't need your 2 cents about Ross' line because you know nothing about it just like you know nothing about the OFRN strain....

BTW you had to keep it going by trying to discredit other dogs and their line, so how do you like now?
You had to keep it going until I reposted the truth about Red Satan.... ROTFLMMFAO @ U

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