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Subject: Re: If you could turn back time...

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Date Posted: 08:03:58 03/17/06 Fri
In reply to: Mark Mallard 's message, "If you could turn back time..." on 13:48:31 03/15/06 Wed

It should come as no surprize that the red rednose dogs are being crossed and used by the big players in the game today.
Although on average one will never see the rednose blood on most of the pedigrees if that.
For some reason many are not in the habbit of telling it like it is.
But alot of the dogs out there today are indeed carrying the blood but its being kept hush hush.
But most of the dogs mentioned carry the blood in vast degreers already so if one was to add more it would indeed increase the rednose portion even more.
It would amaze alot of you if you only knew just how many are useing the rednose blood as an additive.

Here’s a hypothetical question…
>Let’s turn back time. Back to the time when Geronimo
>II was still alive.
>If you had access to that dog and were in a position
>to cross him, with the intention of bringing that
>cross back to Geronimo II, in order to continue a
>predominately OFRN yard, what bloodline would you take
>him too?
>We have the advantage of seeing what worked and what
>did not, what would you have done?

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Subject Author Date
Re: If you could turn back time...Iron Mike
11:50:30 03/17/06 Fri

    Re: If you could turn back time...FTJ
    17:23:29 03/17/06 Fri

    Re: If you could turn back time...jrb
    18:46:49 03/17/06 Fri

    Re: If you could turn back time...CC HURT
    06:10:03 03/19/06 Sun

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