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Subject: Re: If you could turn back time...

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Date Posted: 15:43:24 03/21/06 Tue
In reply to: Iron Mike 's message, "Re: If you could turn back time..." on 08:44:33 03/20/06 Mon

>>Just thinking that if I could turn time back I would
>>also make absolutely certain that the historical value
>>of the now defunct OFRN was carefully preserved.
>Now defunct OFRN? LOL Only in your yard because there
>are many out there which will disagree with you.
>Once again this is only opinion not a fact because the
>fact is, there are OFRN still around today.
>You sure are opinionate for someone who wasn't around
>at the time.
>You talk like you know all about these people. Like
>you have talked to them or knew them personally.
>Did you ever talk to Bob Hemphill, Jake Wilder or Bob
>Wallace or lets say Leo Kinard, Frank Creed, Sonny
>Sykes, Mrs. Corvino or her oldest son Tony, Jim
>Wilson, Howard Heinzl, Frank Fitzwater, Floyd
>Boudreaux and the family in TX., Any of these people?
>NO! You are being used when you parrot BS from other
>people who know as much about the history of the breed
>as you.
>>At the 26 year mark of 1980, many stories were based
>>on "old timers" from the 60's and 70's who played
>>games with actual facts and bloodlines.
>26 years hmmm I guess if someone was just getting into
>dogs in 1980 then that is the only history they would
>But in my case as everyone knows I was born around the
>dogs all my life because of coming from third
>generation of APBT ownership.
>26 years of what? since the creation of the OFRN? LOL
>BS! 26 year mark of what?
>I know you were even around in 1980.
>Or at least your show news wasn't back in the 70's Pit
>Dog Report or information in Bloodline Journal about
>you never appeared as it has with us.
>Gee I don't recall your name in April 1976 when I was
>in Chicago breeding Heidi (aka Flossie) to
>Bodzainowski's Paddy Boy 3xw littermate brother to Ch.
>Rascal and from my litter came Smokin Satan 2xw and
>Pat got Tarzan 2xw.
>I also don't recall your name being around in 1972
>when we had Williams' Red Doll flew in from OK. from
>Jim Williams and Leon Kimball. I don't remember your
>name be said in 1965 when I rode with my brother down
>to meet Bob Hemphill.
>I don't think in all the years owning this breed have
>I ever met someone like you John that talk so much
>about the history of the breed and lived so little of
>>Because of
>>those who were enjoying such title "old timer" some
>>took advantage of that position in the pit bull world
>>and ran away with crazy ideas and made up fables and
>>myths to further confuse the novice.
>I do believe this is what you are trying to do here.
>But I'm not surprise when I meet people like you
>because I expect it because it is your way, it is your
>You truly believe what ever you say to be excepted
>when you know nothing about what you are talking about.
>Because you believe your word is the Divine chosen
>one's word.
>I guess you didn't get the memo, you'll fell out of
>favor. LOL
>>Maurice Carver is
>>known for not giving the 411 on a lot of breeding and
>>dogs he had and sold. Some are still following that
>>example in the worst way.
>Here is a clear cut example your BS. "Maurice Carver".
>Now what do you know about Maurice?
>How do you know anything about the man?
>I'm sure you been to his house, been to some of the
>Been to some of the shows with him?
>Now as far giving out 411 on information, THAT IS
>I guess since you like to quote from SDJ you missed
>Bobby Lemm's letter about Maurice and him selling dogs
>and what he told people.
>You should have read it because it told how Maurice
>really was.
>Maurice didn't sell you a stud dog, he sold match dogs!
>As far as telling about other people's breeding, that
>is BS!
>He didn't even paper his own.
>John you need to close your mouth and listen and show
>dogs before you try to write like you know the history
>or people from the pass.
>This is the difference from me and you, EVERRYONE I
>named in this post, I did know and had met.
>These are people I have talked too.
>>If I could turn back time, I think it would be better
>>than how to breed Geronimo 2, with a cross, to just
>>get some hard truth on these dogs and especially the
>>OFRN that are gone today.
>As far as OFRN being gone, it is still around. As far
>as Hemphill dogs, like I said before, I would not have
>bred to him. I had the chance and didn't for the
>reasons I named.
>If I wanted Hemphill and if I had my choices of what I
>didn't go after, I think I would have went after the
>Lightner dogs That Blair Hetrick had and Junior Bush
>was feeding.
>Or maybe I should have got more dogs from Jim Williams
>and maybe tried to get some more Clouse dogs or if I
>wanted the real good Hemphill dogs, I would have went
>after Skaggs dogs....you should have went that way norrod,instead of linebreeding the curs that you call norrod dogs!

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