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Date Posted: 04:26:16 03/25/06 Sat

Alot of questions come this way more often then not.
Main question is dogs with rednoses all being O.F.R.N.
There is no 100% pure O.F.R.N. dogs left just percentages.
For those that ask about this question here is one answer that is true(all bloodlines can produce a rednose dog)
Bloodlines that I have had and know of that will throw a rednose dog.
CRENSHAW'S CH.RASCAL--Had several litters that the parents were both black but the only indication of any red anywhere was what I call red tint,one can see it when the dog in question is standing in the direct sunlight.
I had two litter of inbred Rascal dogs that came out deep dark chocolate,rednose.
Wood's Snooty-although any color can be from this blood line
Snooty dogs produce alot of bucskin or red and white dogs with the rednose.
Again over the years had several litters that had the rednose.
REDBOY DOGS-except for a few dogs being bucskin and black noses.The last several litters I had were more rednose then black.Some people believe this rednose in redboy dogs is natural.

Here is one that I seen but never owned.(SORREL)dogs.
Known for all colors.
Yet when SORRELS CH.UNCLE BUD was one of the main studs he himself had that Sorrel red body and the rednose and did his share of produceing it.
But on the other hand if one looked at the blood line as time went on most were red with black noses.Now although the black and rednoses appear,there is something changeing in that there are quite a few black and tans appearing.

Boudreaux dogs-also black mostly but some old dogs were red rednoses as it had taken place long ago with breeding rednose dogs into his blood.
But he also started to breed dogs that produced gray dogs which many thought had staff blood.

Carver dogs-maybe this line produced every shade of the rainbow at one time or anther.But again some of these dogs did throw the rednose.
Even staffs will throw the rednose and that results in a bad light as most will not keep them.

But this is just a few that I have come to view and own that for some reason produced the rednose in its line.
There are alot of breeders and dog men and women that can indeed add their version on where the changes were comeing from.
IRONLINE KENNELS might be a good one to start with as they been around dogs what seems to have been forever.
People all strains produce a rednose pup -why I don't know but I suppose if one has the time one can indeed study pedigrees and see them pop in and out.
Just remember this that today most feel that any dog with a rednose is an O.F.R.N.
And most refer to them as that as people donot relize that all stains will at some time throw that rednose.

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19:06:45 03/25/06 Sat

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