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Date Posted: 19:06:45 03/25/06 Sat
In reply to: BILLYT 's message, "QUESTIONS ASKED ABOUT REDNOSE DOGS IN GENERAL" on 04:26:16 03/25/06 Sat

I gotta laugh some people think because the line will produce rednoses is because the line is tight inbred so the rednose color comes out and the blacknose is recessing just like the irish people and i know of some red head people on the queen charlote islands and they are native indians .well dogs aint people .with dogs if they are bred dominant and produce rednoses from blacknose parents it may be breeding dominance ...now with my dogs i have blackmask dogs that will produce rednoses and they are in no way anything like the blackmask dogs in size performance or abilty and i also get a few different types of blacknose with white markings and they are also nothing like the blackmask dogs who produced them .....what they are like is some of the blood in the past that was bred into the line . dogs like arts missy small undershot and buckskin with white markings and also i get dogs that look like jimmy boots powerfull dogs red lots of white blacknose .......from what i have read about breeding dominance is it is a 40000 to 1 chance to get a dog s that will produce with breeding dominance and when i did my first breding with jrb and his sister i get all these different dogs that turn out game but dont come close to performing like the blackmask dogs that will produce them ...now some people will say the line is breaking down but i still get solid good performing blackmask dogs even after of 7 generations of tight tight inbreeding so the line even after inbreeding that tight is still blackmask as the main producers ...people dont think there is pure ofrn well i have news for you i have some reguardless of what people will think and i also have old family blacknose with white markings . the line is breaking down to some degree but it is throwing what was bred into the line in the past as exact reproductions of there ancestors .....i have pups now out of 7 gen inbred hotstuff x rose they produced 2 blackmask 2 redrednose 1 rednose with white markings that has an almost completly white head and withe legs . and 1 blacknose with white markings .. hot stuffs first breeding he produced 4 blackmask and i thought maybe he will only produce blackmask so in a way i am glad that he is producing all the old family blood just like jrb did in his first breedings to his sister to me it shows as a producer he is right on track as being a pure breeding dominant dog just like his grand sire jrb ........and now about the rednose with white markings these maybe the purest of the rednoses that i get in this line and i say this because if i breed redrednose to redrednose i will get redrednose and rednose with white markings but if i breed rednose with white to rednose with white markings i will get rednose with white markings only no redrednose at all ...so in my mind these rednose with white maybe down from the old family reds just like the blacknose buckskin with white and undershot i get maybe down from arts missy .nobody can say for sure just like nobody can say for sure that peds from the past are correct but when you have spent close to 20 inbreeding off two dogs and after 7 gens of inbreeding and you get a stud that produces like the first breeding you know your still right on track .......like it or not that is my breeding thoughts and have dogs to back up my claims 7 generations of them .

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