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Aeraelin is a beautiful city, modernized in almost every aspect. The buildings already built here are mostly used for two reasons, the Air compound here. In the Air Compound, the Master of Air works with the chosen champions and builds them for battle in the Dome, and later, battles in the Adarache. However, not only the compound is located here, but also the scientific geniuses of the world! They are constantly working on new crafts to help the medics and make the world a more comfortable life.
Welcome! If you desire to set up a house or shop here, got to Shai's temple and see if she favors your wish! The best of luck to you!

|The Academy| Air compound|

  • Walks in -- Archer, 18:05:39 06/15/02 Sat
    the young drake walks in and looks around

    ooc: the yellow font is hard to read....

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  • Test! -- Lenore!, 13:43:39 06/04/02 Tue
    Dagnabbit! This is the 4th time I've changed this board! How annoying!

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