Date Posted:17:57:17 09/03/03 Wed Author: Aeraelin Subject: [smile] In reply to:
's message, ".:.Flaming Arrow.:." on 00:53:28 08/22/03 Fri
"You've a ways to go, my little friend. I've seen one dragon that could maintain so many little illusions--shadows, dragons, fire... Each of them looked positively genuine. Now illusions have no weight, and do not produce shadows. Practice, my Champion. While impressive, your illusions were a touch shaky. I expect you'll be professional before long."
[her gaze alternated between the camoflauged dragon and the illusion, before drifting a finger through the snout of the illusion and making it dissolve]
"Although, I do admit, a duel between you and Arach, Fyre's Champion, might be rather amusing indeed. He is also adept at illusions. Come out, come out, wherever you are, dearest Archer, we've got work to do... Now, whenever you please, I would like to see you yourself fly--best tricks you can pull off, please, but lets see how agile you are without hiding yourself in illusions..."
[she had been impressed with the progress her Champion had made, and was sure he was nearing readiness for his first fight, but wanted to make sure--and find him an opponent--before long]