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Date Posted: 08:28:24 03/17/06 Fri
Author: edythe marcellan
Subject: Economic Law: Only true living wages will create a permanent surplus.

the federal government can always afford not only its needs, but its wants, just so long as the population can afford more then mere survival.

if the population made decent wages, they would then be able to purchase commodity, which makes businesses wealthy, which makes the money markets wealthy, (and is secure really, simply because business is truly wealthy), creating a permanently growing surplus,-- just so long as wages stay decent/ the population can afford more then mere survival. the surplus grows permanently as enormous as business profits are shared with the employees who keep the business in operation. sharing wealth causes greater real growth/wealth. *only true living wages can create a permanent surplus, is economic fact of it.

when the population overall does not make decent wages, then businesses do badly, the markets are not on sound ground if they are going up, will fall, and huge deficits occur that cannot be paid back, unless, government borrows/makes new money to pay it's bills, thus enlarging the deficit even more. a deficit proves wages are not good, people are worried sick over their security. as time goes on, costs edge up, all the while wages do not go up for most jobs, making the poor poorer/shrinking paychecks. nonpayment/ bankruptcies occur, the few have all the money, causing monetary deflation. in consequence, prices, wages, crash, --as occurred in the 1930's.

only good wages, raised exactly with any inflation, can make an economy secure absolutely, permanently healthy/wealthy, an economy where surpluses will always be there.

the top executives paychecks and the businesses paycheck, are not the same. for business owners and ceo's to take all the profits for yourselves? status quo suggests, i have mine, at your expense? is viscious. good people change their mind to go with facts.

zero conscience, mercenary level behavior: will not allow a person to have proper medical treatment; will not allow a fellow a wage that will support him, (must depend on others, or go destitute), does not allow people a secure job, (a person is treated as uneducatable, --as if unable to learn, or as if a sociopath; is threatend his job if sick), can be stranded.

get off on zero conscience behavior, if you just can be mercenary (people can fear for their safety), is your answer. you do know better absolutely, now understands why arrogance is ignorance: everyone is educatable to be understood truly, unless of course, he really is a psychopath. only a psychopath believes he can be mercenary. good people go only where facts go.

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