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Date Posted: 09:52:10 08/02/07 Thu
Author: .
Subject: interest rates should stay at a low steady rate only.
In reply to: edythe marcellan 's message, "Economic Law: Only true living wages will create a permanent surplus." on 08:28:24 03/17/06 Fri

~~true living wages can afford extras = businesses are healthier then they have ever been = secure money markets that are booming; because business really is making great profits = a permanently secure government surplus~~

interest rates need to stay at a reasonable low steady rate, only. when interest rates are already high, and the economy slows down, the federal reserve lowers rates to encourage investment. While lowering rates effectively does spur on investment, if you actually raise interest rates, you Cause inflation, (raising costs of loans = business passes this cost onto the consumer, as oil costs are passed onto the consumer.) Raising interest rates in order to stop housing costs from skyrocketing, does not only aggravate inflation overall, it is not necessary, as nature’s course will do the same. Handing out credit to people who cannot truly afford, slows the markets down when these loans default, all the while lenders are giving out more bad loans = lenders have no business handing out credit when the consumer will not be able to truly afford = the market should have been slower then it appeared, even when interest rates are going down. Raise interest rates, and the real estate market deflates: or rather, suddenly my house is cheaper then what I purchased it for because bad loans, hastened by the fact that rising interest rates is a lousy business deal, is why suddenly, there are fewer customers. Ridiculously over valued prices for homes is a lousy business deal also. Is a moral issue even. First and foremost, homes are for living in. Home investment should be honest inflation that is fair to be, does not over inflate with time; therefore will not suddenly deflate either. This is why home investment is a place to live, not a get rich quick scheme. Homes are for living in is why cost of housing, what a lender will lend for any particular property = an appraisal is true to adhere to if law has it. Real supply and demand issue: has enough housing, does not have too many people at one time shopping, so long as one can afford to build, is contributing then, to the supply. Is to say, our sudden influx of people being able to afford a house is mere basic respect of humanity: repeat over again to dare complain about people who cannot afford; should be allowed. He who builds a new property, should receive incentives, if supply were really and truly the issue. A lack of building materials is real? Real inflation trends are caused only by supply and demand issues; fix one, fixes the other. Adequate supply prevents inflation. in an economy where everyone can afford, profits will be bigger, then they ever have been, without raising costs. monopolies raise costs just to "get away with it", is of course immoral. Affordability, the right to support oneself, can afford a home: our slow sons of our eternal destiny, (as opposed to a gorillas), enjoys the finer things in life just as much as the next person. Our slow sons are not allowed to train and do that for which their ambition = I.Q. level should have them do on earth. Every person of our destiny is capable of learning all there is to learn, if but merely slower; every person of our destiny has a destiny that is equally great.

Today, "concentrated wealth", probably more then half the population requires two paychecks to make ends meet. keeps the economy on the backs of our children,-- sends them to after school daycare is this. citizens are unsafe, are not allowed to support themselves. If they have no family they die. Is of course, murder. The fear you may go homeless if, is a true fear in all fact, is very frightening to feel on a day to day basis, is tortured. This is why it is not a matter of should we care about every person on earth is a personal relationship; consciousness is one actually, to be earned, (is purely vicious to be aware that you are not allowing someone to support himself): It is a matter of How to make higher wages affordable, without in anyway whatsoever, scaring people who have money. Personal relationship, vice versa. Do care about your matters equally with my own. Is the Law anyway. To confiscate property, such old ideas, are against the law, -- is stealing. To protect the citizens, keeps them safe, to protect the investors also is this, however, the minimum wage will need to be raised to at least $24. an hour C.S.T. to ensure absolutely an excellent economy for now on. Of course obviously this will not at first be afforded by many businesses, simply because our economy is THIS bankrupt. So government needs to pitch in, and help absolutely honestly, without cheating anyone or entity. For instance, the government can put the middle class who is not bringing $24.00 an hour in on ONE paycheck, on full food stamps, and cover rent/mortgage payments, all the while not taxing those people, or the ones who are making around that. Of course the $24. an hour salary is about right only if medical costs are taken off the back of all consumers for now on, which is moral only. You tell me what a utopian home is. I am at home secure in my “Zarskey” so called beginner’s home with a yard, has the garage remodeled into a living area, is just right for a family of four: this is what a minimum wage home is. Yes what a utopian home is, indeed is up to the individual; if “out of balance” idea, will come into balance when a fellow grows up even a little. There are all kinds of ways to address this issue, will, so long as no one in illconsidered, and the $24.00 an hour wage is not compromised foremost. Profits will rise greatly, thus business will grow greatly into the ability to afford actually, to pay this minimum wage (that naturally goes up with inflation). But this will occur only if government does not cheat any person or entity at all, favoring them first, -- indeed, only by government not cheating, will this process of curing the economy work. Government cannot cheat and get away with it anymore anyway, is this:
True liberty is democracy protects the people from all illegal is immoral laws. It never was constitutional for instance, for government to steal a poor man’s home because he cannot afford the property taxes: an illegal law is not a real law. God’s law is the golden rule comes first; this is why real democracy is liberty protects the people from all tyrants who try to put in immoral laws. I consider your issues equally with my own, is moral only. Is not to be broken.

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