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Date Posted: 13:39:01 09/15/06 Fri
Author: to honor everyone equally, is the feeling of real love.
Subject: how to grow real love is the subject of "romance"
In reply to: the very essence of emotional health 's message, "Philosophical Truth -- Self-Evident Fact" on 10:44:04 09/13/06 Wed

*either a fellow is educatable, or his victims are "bad" forever, he'll claim. educatable is the only way to treat anyone.

you have to care is fair, believes consciousness is made out of the Big Consciousness, is what belief in God is. if you do, you prefer to be there for whoever.
Feels God/self esteem, certainly does not feel, "believe in" loneliness.

the degree you feelingly adore/hold compassion for everyone equally, is what the true feeling of love is. Grow real love knows how first. Here is how, is the subject of romance.

prefer to be/live with everyone equally, is belief in god. romance prefers to be with you over you is ego excitement of self. this feeling can be euphoric, (lust), misinterpreted as if, "in love", (usually unrequited; my type worships me.)

no one is capable of feeling excited about anyone but his own self. excitement of self can easily be seen for what it is to look. will get rid of lust immediately.

i prefer to be with everyone equally is real love, is practiced, grows it. is not "believing in" romance, nor "better friend" syndrom, --prefers you over you; for you are excited about me is the true attitude.

why marry, unless you are going to raise children? i will live with you only if you have sex with me, is not loved/cared about at all actually.

he who committed adultry needs to agree that you left your family for lust. don't blame your ex partner at all, cares/loves him/her equally with everyone else very much. real love is equal. why get into marriage, if you wish to have a temporary union? Honesty as to why you wish to have sex with anyone, is moral only.

refuse to have sex with someone, and masturbate instead: is a growth technique. purposely look to see why ones own attitude is excitement of self only, will grow.
when temptation arises, purposely look and see what you truly think, feels. learns the feeling of lust away.

have sex to merely experience, as "pottying" with someone is this, but is not, in and of itself, immoral. true intent is honest to say. beyond this, cultivate growth or need? either a person does prefer to be/live with everyone equally, or he is with you only out of need.

I personally have grown above masturbation, (recently, suddenly, I grew way above; feelingly chaste, absolutely). Although we are One literally, or it would not be so; although I grew really, to earn soulmate revelation: It was not because I knew I would; but because I did not mistake romance for real love, and learned self excitement away; which is exactly why I adore all of you equally, feels big. feelingly, deeply thrilled absolutely to be with the "platonic" people I live with. relieved to know how to grow, has not any unadmitted regrets. if you do, you going to behave/believe, or not?

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  • the morality of learning -- the work ethic, 13:40:57 09/15/06 Fri
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