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Date Posted: 13:40:57 09/15/06 Fri
Author: the work ethic
Subject: the morality of learning
In reply to: the very essence of emotional health 's message, "Philosophical Truth -- Self-Evident Fact" on 10:44:04 09/13/06 Wed

all i care for is excitement of self; or, is the fact that ancient civilizations still exist more interesting?

Everyone is interesting. We are to earn all people, all there is to know. This is our long term goal. We are One is literally true.

i know my story; do i genuinely care about yours? will listen instead of think of something else.

To treat learning as a dull activity insults god, as if, all that is, sure is dull. Learning is fun; memorization a dull activity. A successful school makes it clear that learning is fun. while learning to do a trade, and to do it well, is mandatory, learning is a lifelong pursuit, earns god. mandatory is free.

a student will be disappointed if he has to miss school,-- if the school is successful, is very entertaining. can't wait to go to school, has his desert watching a great fictionalized nonfiction, or a documentary in the schools movie theatre(s). the students should give the show a grade afterwards.

http://www.voy.com/74375/ school reform is easy, and self-evident.

Is the work ethic:

do that which God intended for you to do, accomplish for planet earth. every honest soul does know in his heart what he should do for earth, while he is here.

a normal world would not have the suffering we have, and better cease, on our planet. the meaning of life, is, to keep things running exceptionally for every soul/conscious being, is One, Pi with every guy, within the Big Guy, Who is conscious of everyone of us. Quality of existence. Progression.

noble undertaking for instance, is the janitor. we cannot do without. if this is your true ambition level, choice of career, highly trained you should be, trained to do a job extremely well. A consistent, steady pace, is quick. has true expertise, (an einstien in his place simply wouldn't have the inspiration, the "team playing" spirit needed, the perfectionism only high training can teach, for a superior job; nor would he care to be there long). highly trained in the correct position, is both an expert and artist.

the slower folks may begin their destiny humbly. Who doesn't? (Inasmuch, the example of janitor: there isn't a job more important.) afterall, all of us are of the same small personality order. everyone of our order, is capable of learning all there is to know,-- the slow merely learn slower. the ultimate destiny for all of us, is equally great. this is why all of us, should not merely prepare for our immediate future on this earth, but also effort for our eternal long term future. is why learning is a lifelong pursuit.

To honor every human being equally, does agree everyone's destiny is equally great, holds dear in his heart feelingly, self-esteem, feels loved within really: Honored to live within our Father on High. Worships Him, honors, enjoy to learn and earn reality, in every way possible.

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