Date Posted:10:55:15 07/11/07 Wed Author: god exists is only why psychological facts cure. Subject: psychology is a true science only because facts do exist. In reply to:
this lesson of science you have to keep. facts are in.
's message, "you have to care, is true only." on 08:42:06 01/13/06 Fri
if god did not exist, high self esteem would be false actually. what consciousness is made out of actually, is only why we are all extremely worthy, and equally so. false beliefs are the true cause of neurosis; mere "opinion" cannot make anyone feel better. facts must be facts, so that feel better is true in all fact.
low self-esteem is caused by the view that there is such thing as inferior people. will go away, when an individual understands belief in god does not prefer to pick and choose who to be/live with. ego is lust also = one can only feel excited, "in love" with his ownself only.
god exists, is the only reason why even more then all our ambitions will be realized; and destiny for everyone is equally great. no reason then, to be envious. we are one is literally true because consciousness is made out of something, and is eternal. twin soul therefore, you already have, is logical only. although, who does have high self-esteem actually = does honor all consciousness as equally sacred is your only point to get, does feelingly feel his twin soul does exists; does feelingly feel that he will be around to enjoy his 202nd birthday, and beyond. thank you very much.
feels high self esteem actually = feels our very soul, is why loneliness is impossible to feel. certainly has zero doubt regarding your very soul you feel actually.
of course forgiven either self-corrects, to get exactly what he needed to learn, or he died eternally. or, there would not be any such thing as forgiveness; and temper would be true instead of false.
while the proof of god's existence is how we feel when we do make darn certain to prefer to be/live with everyone equally: yet, logic is philosophical truth, is self-evident for even the meanest person.