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Date Posted: 08:22:16 08/05/08 Tue
Author: don't date is fact way to be only.
Subject: you are all excited about me is silly.
In reply to: unless it is an honor to be with everyone equally. 's message, "marriage is a crummy relationship, unless..." on 09:01:22 06/09/08 Mon

wrong reasons to socialize thinks i'm all excited about you. only talks positive about others behind their backs, at least holds hope the guy will be educated when he is, unless, indeed, it is this serious, -- will at least be awful sad.

prefer you over you is rude.

inner angst; yet, no real problem, (you're not being chased by a lion; not going homeless;...so on). the feeling comes from needing to be with who makes you feel excited over who does not, -- may love to hear your story about the "French Revolution" or why the ocean waters move, whatever is, or what really did occur.

join a service if you need a mate to raise children with. honest people communicate your intent is to have sex only, if this is the case. interaction is good; be entertaining cares if the slow guy is keeping up, -- keeps it short and to the point is why ye of high i.q. at the table won't drift off in thought. if i listen to your problems, i am only a real help if i am with you for the right reasons, simply cares about all people, is why i care about you.

all of you know feelingly your spouse is "no longer" excited about you, once you get used to this person. "Temptation" feels infatuated, needs to have sex, is when you will so easily see, to look at your daydreams, that it is merely you pretending thee worships you. rids of "temptation" feeling instantly. singles are celebate, will achieve same. does not seek what you already have. if temptation is why you left your spouse, admit it, take all the blame, will adore your ex; will be there for.

twin soul. earn who you are, does; is in you right now anyway; feels certainly so, if you haven't any unadmitted regrets, does prefer to be with everyone equally is fair only / has faith in people, does not hold contempt.

*a bad person will never agree to care actually, because self-pity is. if you were mean, you have to admit this.

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