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Date Posted: 09:45:51 03/13/12 Tue
Author: edy @consciouspi
Subject: Basic Emotional Health Facts: you gotta' know.

Basic Emotional Health Facts: short and simple
the core of everyone's Religion, is also the basis of psychology.

Honor all people equally, honors to be with all conscious beings equally, is fact only to get, feels high self esteem. Must be it first, to feel.

It would have been me in your exact circumstance, is proven for who self corrects. This is why forgiveness/self-forgiveness is fact. This is why conceit is false only.

If you feel high self esteem, then you feel loneliness is false only.

Jealously is false only. Your greatest ambitions, true desires, is already destiny, because God exists. We are one literally, thus your soul mate is already in you. You can only know who that is, if you grew already to feel equally thrilled to be with all people equally. [Grow above sex, won't understand sex anymore.]

Ego is self excitement only. Lust, the idea of romance promotes the concept all the more, of extreme self excitement, -- was an invention in our western culture, brought to you by Chaucer and other writers from the years around 800 a.d.. No one is capable of feeling extreme excitement about someone else. Romance, best friend syndrome, prefers you over you, to be with, is the opposite of high self esteem. ….Lust felt, feels like you are “in love”: Is merely extreme self excitement/ego. Look how you truly think, and you will see you are only pretending that person who is cute to you, is worshipping you, not the other way around. The feeling of lust will go away instantly!, if you look at how you truly think within, when you thought you were in lust. And that old shoe spouse of yours will be truly loved all that much more, because you grow in compassion, is the ability to love all that more deeply about all people equally. To know “who you are”, your twin soul, can only occur if ego is gone, therefore temptation is no longer possible.Furthermore, one who has grown to this degree, will not understand the act of sex anymore. Above sex, [i had to earn it to know it.] And, i do adore everyone deeply, equally, isn't prejudice then, feelingly. ……As we do know, no matter how immature you are, that once you are used to someone, includes your date partner, you know full well, deeply, that he does not worship you, thus the excitement is gone.

Morals are not up to you or me: the golden rule is fact only. He who gets this, will feel high self esteem. You need to be sorry to who you offended, before self esteem can occur. If you are sorry truly, you won’t also excuse why you are true also.

As true growers look for their faults/imperfections on purpose to grow up truly. To grow up truly, earns who you are then, is not either the long goal, it is the relatively short goal, -- in a normal world, by time you are 40. Grow up defined: grows in compassion, [doesn't mean you know the full history of Canada now, or something]. False beliefs, the true cause of Neurosis. You should see/feel the difference in your growth on every birthday. [As they do on a normal world.] The long term goal is to earn all there is to know, to earn all who ever existed, still exists, thank you very much. All people are ultimately famous. -----This science version of the core of all religion, had to be earned to teach it. And only honest people are emotionally well. All of growth begins with "my bad". Never stops seeing "my bad" [my error or misunderstanding.], where needed. The "my mistake" habit is only who is a true grower/emotionally healthy.

"The truth will set you free." This is Jesus Christ's Promise to all people: face the truth bravely, and always the truth will cure your emotional upset. Working through upset is not entertaining, nor fun at all; however, always, working through upset honestly gains feelingly in true permanent growth.

There is error. Always self corrects then. Default knew you were being hurtful on purpose, yet, stupidly thought you were okay or something. However meaner the behavior, more you knew better, then. …Sin knows you know better, and knows he knows better, chooses forever. Goes into inequity if he just won‘t.. ….Gets caring about everyone equally is fair only, -- is our religions. [Break the golden rule, is disrespectful to a prisoner, teaches, sure, breaking the golden rule is okay, up to me.] If you still hear, [fears the truth is true, that you need your conscience], gets honest, stays honest, proves it would have been anyone in your exact circumstance. ….Default will be proven error after all, is who self corrects. Indicts society also, in the wrong. The problem with default breaks the golden rule, is, you knew better also, -- needs to admit you grew hard accidentally, to even have thought. [Will make growing up, admits fairness, easiest, if you are not trying to see why you could have possibly been soft. The whole point is to grow soft.] …However, ….those white people in the deep south, in the U.S. history story, who beat people up and murdered, especially the lead players, were already sociopaths, and came out, because the opportunity to be bad was there. Most likely. ….. Victims live forever, for real, -- all of us have untold adventures ahead of us, already planned.. Mock truth, mocks god. The wages of sin is eternal death. Is fair. Because everyone knows it is fair that you have to care about everyone actually, equally, sure pays attention to them, has them physically safe is comfortable. He who still hears, fears facts are facts, ...be honest only, and the truth will set you free.

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