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Date Posted: 08:43:37 09/12/12 Wed
Author: facts

Living wages affords extras = healthy business = healthy money markets = permanent government surplus. The economy works spray hose up.


1. There are no deficits when the population is paid true living wages. The existence of government deficits prove that citizens are not paid fair wages.

2. If you attempt to balance the budget by hurting incomes, you will destroy the economy.

3. A mean king who has a gold pit the size of Asia, can have a poverty state, because his subjects are paid low wages, and still be able to pay for what he needs, because of the oversized gold pit.. [U.S. international businesses are doing gang buster business, even though the U.S. is poverty stricken, because U.S. business make much money in foreign markets, and pays low wages. Is what is going on actually.]

4. Low wages creates a poverty state. Without that gold mine the size of Asia, such a country will have a difficult time selling their Treasury Bonds, -- as more prosperous countries will fear they won’t be paid. …What occurs actually, is that the poverty state will owe its soul to the company store, -- or rather, owes it soul to the more prosperous countries, who dictate. This is why low wages hurts national security very much.

TRUE STIMULUS, -- and the New Deal era.

1. The Only reason the U.S. ever had a true middle class economy, was because Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson catered to enlarging wages. As did northern Europe. [Everywhere, that did not have true stimulus, stayed a poverty state.] ……Usually there is a postwar depression after every war. After WW2, this did not occur because President Roosevelt and Congress made certain wages were increased. They strengthened Unions, created a minimum wage, [which increased salaries], even stimulus to a defense industry to pay higher salaries, living wage jobs. Truman and Eisenhower furthered this trend. Wages increased is only why we had the best economy in world history, after WW2.

2. A real stimulus is not spending measures; a Real stimulus augments lower incomes. They knew this absolutely 1950’s; and both parties knew to give them. If Governments create jobs to build what we truly need, as the New Deal era did do, such as public transportation, this will be a true stimulus, if wages are moral. [Communists never gave real stimulus.]

3. Taking costs off the public is also a true stimulus. Take transportation and medical costs off of the public, and the economy will do great for this reason alone; because this will raise incomes.

4. We have to give a true stimulus, or we will become just like Mexico’s economy. In fact, people assumed during the New Deal era that they’d keep giving stimulus, and be rid of poverty once and for all. ---They allowed science of economy, absolute proven, fact, that is self evidently true anyway, to be treated like a mere opinion, when it is not. If this science had been another subject, this would not have occurred, -- although school reform U.S. history book I’m writing, and is on Twitter/google blog, for free, had to prove it wasn’t on purpose.

5. Augment Unions, raise the minimum wage, is how Roosevelt did it: Truth is, if the government helps business pay true living wages, by giving businesses this money, the economy would be great literally over night. This is a pro business idea, to help smaller businesses prosper until profits zoom. Raise wages to true living wages however, must occur. And we must keep U.S. business jobs in the U.S. [Big businesses are mostly, international, can more then afford to pay moral wages, right now even.]

6. All people are allowed true living wages, is why the economy will have extreme profits for business; a degree of profits business has never known. It is moral only, that all people are allowed true living wages; and owed a living has a place on earth my god!

7. Lame stimulus, create some government job, will allow the economy to teeter along. This is all Roosevelt did until 1937. 1936, he stops all stimulus, and merely cuts the deficit. 1937, the stock market crashes again. This is when the big profound stimulus’, including foremost, raising wages, occurred. Big stimulus that is real, must be huge, if we will rise out of this depression.

INTEREST RATES: Is the rate of return Only. Lowering interest rates spurs borrowing. Raising them causes inflationary trends is all. The Fed raised interest rates so that bad loans are not given out. What occurs is, the market will have no buyers, unless lenders lower the loan requirements; thus who cannot truly afford can now get a loan. As the mortgage costs keep climbing in false inflation. The gross inflationary trends from the 1970’s and 80’s, were caused foremost, by raising interest rates. --Rates must stay at the same dependable fair is low rate. Only. What they are supposed to do, is good loan requirements, and only give loans out at true appraisal rates. ---The loan requirement should be I have a job that can easily pay the mortgage, and I have job security, thus the bank knows I’ll be able to pay the loan off. [Job security. Fire me for the fun, doesn’t give me a reason, because he‘ll have to lie to my face. Firing pretends one is a just won’t do right sort, a true Sociopath...... Is slander. If I can not do the job, I will not want it.]

How the economy works is self evident fact.
*The Prejudice Sisters were raised to see, they should raise their self esteem by putting people down. This did placate their self hatred for a moment; but then, it made self hatred even worse! Every day, they grew more down. They are better then ugly people, poor people, slow people, gay people, mentally ill people, you name it. They had no duty for these people. They’d invite you to stay only to throw you out in pretended tempers.
Harder then Fort Knox, meaner then a junk yard dog, actually; although they seem perfectly fine to speak to them. They resented God if God dare see they should be inconvenienced to help who they don’t need. Barely no empathy at all, if they have any at all, and then they heard the Word, means it, they used to, but didn’t get it actually, as empathy is a piss ant. Facts remain. Empathy is our soul. The roll call in Heaven, when the Lord brought us to our first heavenly world, and the Prejudice sisters were missing. It is fair to care about every person equally. STOP. Feels self esteem, if you do. Fear still hears, to agree. Scientifically, truth is fact of it. The Sociopath could, if he would, agree. It wasn’t fair that a person is taught to grow down accidentally. It would have been me for every person who prefers to agree it is fair only to care about ever person equally, self corrects, is honest only now. The truth will set you free emotionally for all who work through their guilt honest; feels better on the other side.

----imagine if Scrooge callously ignored the 3 ghosts. WHOA!!!

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