The Town Square is in the center of the town, near the Tavern. It is well lit, by the sun during daylight hours, and by torches at night. The Square is home to a variety of small, privatley owned shops. It is very crowded and everyone seems to be in a hurry, though no one really knows where they are going or why they want to get there. All sorts of creatures are present in the square, talking and shopping. You look around at everything, hoping to take in all the faces, store fronts, restaurants, etc. You walk into the square, eager to join the hustle and bustle.
- enters -- Keely, 06:13:24 09/16/02 Mon
She pauses and looks around at the crowd. She waits a moment for her sis to catch up.
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- **A large brown dog lopes through the crowds...** -- Raymould, 18:26:13 06/24/02 Mon
**He stops every once in a while to eye a particularly tasty looking bit of food, before being chased away by the owner. Discouraged, he sits in the entrance to a small alleyway, muttering to himself.** Stupid. Won't even give food to poor old me. I hate 'em.
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- Thunder -- Aideen, 12:48:31 06/24/02 Mon
The maid stormed out of the tavern, turning to make a face at it as soon as no one could see her. She hung her pack on her shoulder, adjusting it violently as her thoughts continued towards different pastures. Her shadow blinked in and out as she walked next to the cobbled wall. With a jerk of her head, she stared past it, having a sudden urge to throw something anything. She sat down.
Her stomach rumbled as she fished through the bag she carried. A piece of slightly moldy bread was her prize, but it's glory was short-lived. It landed a few feet away, turning to crumbs in a murky puddle. The maid would have chewed her fingernail but she had remembered it's filthy state. She figured she wait a bit more before returning to the tavern. She was in no hurry.
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- Walks in -- Conner, 14:25:09 06/17/02 Mon
A young Irishman walks down the cobble stone street. He pauses, his blue eyes flittering about, taking in the busy scene and noting the various merchants and vendors. As a cart came barrelling towards him, he jumps out of the way, barely avoiding being run over. He grins and says in a thick Irish accent “Very different! I must try and not get m’self killed!”
Conner is his name. He hoped no one around him already knew that. The busy street is a strange thing to him but he figured he would blend in. Except for wearing his kilt for which he was receiving a few sideways glances.
Conner walks past a vender selling bread. As discretely as he can, he grabs a freshly cut slice and hides it in his sporran (A sort of bag that hangs from the belt.), not pausing for a moment.
Glancing across the street, he spots a cage, where the supposedly insane were locked up. At the moment it was empty. Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, Conner shuddered involuntarily. Glairing at it a moment longer he mutters, “T’was a bad time, but we won’t have to worry about that now, will we?” He tore off a bit of the bread and popped it into his mouth.
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- Enters silently -- Keely, 07:23:56 06/03/02 Mon
She stops for a moment, just watching the people and animals going about. Then she joins in the hustle as she looks around.
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- ~walks in followed by a large black dog> -- Keli, 18:33:12 04/22/02 Mon
she enters a dress shop and buys a few plain looking dresses to replace the pure silk blue dress she is wearing. She then walks into a store next door to it and buys a bag in which she puts a few things and changes in the side room they have there. She puts her silk dress in the bag she now carries on her back. She goes outside and pets the wolf-dog~ I need to get a horse to carry some things. ~She sighs thinking about Black's Bloody Nightmare her black-blue stallion she had to leave back at her old home. The only horse she will ever ride unless she has one of his kids.~ Hmmmm.... Maybe a pony would do. ~She walks to a stable near by and buys a strong and young, dappled grey welsh cob mare. She puts her bags on the mare then goes to food store, she buys some grain for the horse and sevral things for herself, and a bottle of wine. She walks out and leads the pony back to the inn followed by Death~
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- *Turns to Demon* -- Callisto, 16:01:19 02/22/02 Fri
I'll be back*Smiles* I just need a drink*Walks into the tavern
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- Sigh -- Ambermoon, 14:59:52 02/05/02 Tue
§Ambermoon sighs in discontent, then gets up from her seat in the dark alley. The bird feathers and bells tinkle and clink as she moves, making delightful sounds in the wind. Ambermoon sighs to herself, then whistles shrilly into the sky. A scream is heard, and a large Peregrine Falcon flies down and lands heavily on her arm. She clucks to him and rubs his belly. He walks up from her forearm up to her shoulder and clicks his beak. He turns his head an begins to chew on one of the feathers in Ambermoon's hair. Ambermoon chuckles, then walks towards the inn.
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- ~gallops in~ -- Cloud, 16:58:22 02/01/02 Fri
A young white mare gallops in from the northern road, slowing to a trot, walk, and stop. She breathes hard as her orbs gaze round. A sidesaddle is strapped on her back, but she bears no rider, having thrown her in the pass when a hawk spooked her.
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- *Canters into the Square on a large bay gelding.* -- Lord William Leicester, 19:08:04 01/28/02 Mon
*His brown eyes flashing, he reins in the good tempered bay, and pats him on the neck.*"Upon my word, that was a good ride Santiago!"*The english Lord says, grinning broadly. Spying the Tavern, he trots Santiago over, briefly nodding to the lady with the friesian horse. A servant runs up as William dismounts, taking a hold of his horse's ornamented bridle.*"Here you are lad, take good care of Santiago,"*Flips him two gold coins*"And watch out for him, he's a bit frisky today."*He says good naturedly as the stable boy tries to lead the gelding off, but Santiago gets a few good bucks in before they enter the stable. The russet haired man shakes his head laughing, and enters the warm tavern.*
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- *walks in* -- Callisto, 14:07:48 01/28/02 Mon
*The young lady of about 17 enters wearing a cloak of purple velvet. Silvery hair curling around her pale face and acenting her crystal blue eyes. At her side stands a black wolf by the name of Lucifur. She stand still for a moment before deciding that she needed friends and a horse before she could mover on*
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- *a large black fresian stallion races out of the stables* -- Zeus, 12:09:59 01/20/02 Sun
A small monkey close behind. He whickers his thanks to the monkey for unlatching the gate to his stall. Dark orbs gaze at the town square, interest glowing in them. Suddenly, the young stable boy runs out after him, startled, Zeus canters to in front of the tavern, bucking at the boy, but breaking the window. The stallion dead stops and gazes at what he had just done and shrinks back as he sees his mistress coming through the door towards him.
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- Owner of the Town Square Board: -- Morgan, 18:58:08 01/19/02 Sat
You must add a title to this board and a link back to the inn, or this link will have to be removed.
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- *Lady Cimorene walks out of the Tavern.* -- Lady Cimorene d'Artois, 09:17:23 01/18/02 Fri
*Untying the reins from a hitching post, Cimorene pats her Andalusian stallion, Maximilian.*"Come on boy, we have some work to do."*She says as she mounts him. Adjusting her cape a little, she looks towards the Northern Road, and hopes that she will find this 'Aineen' Bran was speaking of. Cimorene shakes herself mentally, and urges Maximilian into a trot, and then into a fast gallop when they reach the dirt road.*
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- Walks in -- Summer, 22:08:39 01/09/02 Wed
After helping out at the Tavern, she walks out into the square, almost unconscious of the fact that her white dress, and slender hands were covered with blood, and the scent of blood and poultice hung in the air around her. Her red hair wafted back by the breeze, her dark blue eyes shining, but not sparkling. She looks down at her blood soaked hands, and dress. She washes her hands in a stream, and does her best to get her dress clean, but succeeding with the dress only a little. She sits down by a rain barrel, not sure whether to cry, or not. She decides to cry quietly. She had never felt emotional like this before, but now she did, and did not know how to deal with it. She wraps her arms around her knees like a school girl, feeling much like one. 'How can I be so foolish, I'm just an idiot. He probably doesn't even remember my name, only that I'm some red-haired little girl that sewed up his wound. He was probably distracted by Teren. Probably can't forget her face, or name. I just had to be too quiet, too mercenary, too...' she hits herself mentally. 'I'm too much of an assassin! No one wants to love an assassin, let alone marry... agh! What am I thinking! I'm too stupid. Think, Summer! I must've lost my mind back there, I don't even know his name...' she stops. Another part of her argues, 'Liar. You know his name. You can't forget it and you never will! You can't change, it wouldn't be real, if you did! You remember the way he trusted you, the way he looked into your eyes...' she bites her lip. 'Shut up. He's not in love with you, and you're not in love with him! You're just taken with him because he's handsome, kind... ach. I have no hope with him, even if I did love him, and that's that!' she smacks her palm with her fist as if to end her arguement. She stands up, and walks around, trembling slightly. A voice in the back of her mind again, whispers, 'Liar.' She kicks a wall, then bites her lip as the pain sears through her leg. Forgetting that she was in a place of public, she shouts to the sky, "I HATE YOU!!!" and kicks another wall, even harder. Slipping into a dark alley, somewhat ashamed of shouting, she paces back and forth, continuing her fight with herself.
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- a beautiful elf walks in -- Allamore, 09:33:14 01/04/02 Fri
she stops her tierd horse and brings of a slumped figure tears running from her eyes she desperatly gives him some of her medicane and looks around for the man she was meeting, its alright stay with the light she whisperd to the dark small figure.......
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- Bengal Tiger approaches... -- A player hidden form, 12:53:23 12/29/01 Sat
...the water,plunging in and swimming a bit. Returns to shore and shakes herself. A mare comes galloping up to the tiger, rope attached to be bridle that is dragging on the ground. "You know, I think that's the hardest knot you've ever-"and she is cut off by the tiger who softly swats her face, claws tucked away. "Well thanks alot-oh, yeah."pause"NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH. I'M JUST A NORMAL HORSE OWNED BY A V-"again she is interuppted by the tiger, who has resulted to biting the horse's leg. The black mare raises her hoof and fakes a jab at the tiger, who rolls her eyes and lays down.
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- *Comes out of the Tavern, the hood of her black velvet cape covering her face.* -- Lady Aspasia Valois, 18:23:33 12/28/01 Fri
*Looking about the busy square, she spots Blade, shaking her head a little bit. A stable boy walks up with her friesian stallion, all his tack and silver attatchments gleaming. Giving the cold boy a few gold coins, she smiles her thanks and watches the boy run off.*"Steady as I mount Horus, you look as if you need more sleep."*Aspasia says to her hawk, grabbing some of Harvest Moon's thick black mane as she mounts. She adjusts her stirrups and sword and gathers the reins. Turning Harvest Moon towards the Northern Road, she sets off at a collected canter, sending something of a salute at Blade, smiling sardonically.*
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- She hurries out >>> -- Sorcha, 21:57:32 12/27/01 Thu
of the tavern, looking almost lost for a moment. She quickly collects herself and moves toward the bay mare. The mare nickers softly in greeting and Sorcha unties her worn leather reins from the wooden post. Instead of mounting, she leads the mare into the street, away from the bustling tavern. The sky is clear and there is a cool edge to the night air.
Sorcha halts and so does the horse. She unwraps the brown paper parcel that she carries and makes a meal for herself from a small portion of the bread and cheese concealed within. She leans against a wall, sighing lightly, grateful for the rest. Her eyes scan the quiet square and rest upon a man standing alone. She studies him for a moment, even considers addressing him, but quickly turns away once she recalls her senses. Tears fill her eyes and her face burns as she reminds herself that the lone wolf is her guardian, and the her power remains in living as he does, forever alone and forever prepared.
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- ..entrance.. -- Blade, 19:45:33 12/24/01 Mon
Care-worn and travel-weary mercenary enters the square, looking about through azure eyes still haunted by past memories. Hands stray unconsciously to his sword hilts, though there appears to be no danger...but appearances can be decieving. Scarred and callused palms brush back an unruly lock of sandy hair, casting his features in a better light. Presently he sits, finding a corner out of the way to fight his demons in peace, where he can watch the area in relative comfort, free from the confinements of the inn.
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- *She wanders in, and sits down by a babbling brook on the outskirts of town.* -- Eponine, 18:00:50 12/19/01 Wed
*Her dark eyes raise toward the Heavens, but only the harvest moon shines down. She begins to sing softly to herself, throwing daisy petals into the brook.* He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not ... *As the daisies determine that he loves her not, her sweet face saddens and she gazes into her reflection shining in the water.*

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- *Ambles in, taking her own sweet time.* -- Sentahrie, 15:21:21 12/15/01 Sat
*Looks for any shops where she could get meat. Pork was her favorite.*
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- Entrance -- Ambermoon, 15:13:08 12/13/01 Thu
§An obviously foreign woman wlks into the Town Square, exiting the Tavern. Slowly she looks around, wondering where to go next.§
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- testing, testing, 1..2...3, hello? -- just me!, 20:49:40 12/07/01 Fri
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