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Date Posted: 05:23:54 06/29/00 Thu
Author: dgould
Subject: Re: Stagger
In reply to: Dave (fsstek) 's message, "Stagger" on 04:53:10 06/29/00 Thu

> A request was made to talk about stagger. Since no one
> stepped up to the plate, I'll give it a shot. Let me
> explain that I am talking asphalt here. My experience
> on dirt is nil ! There are a few good books out there
> and I recommend you find and read all you can. Just
> beware that some authors seem to forget that beginners
> are reading and that there is a BIG difference between
> dirt and asphalt.
> There is a gold mine of education to be gained from
> working with a stock chassis and learning the many
> things that can be done and the effects they have on
> handeling.
> O.K. here we go...
> Stagger is the difference in circumference between the
> two rear tires Notice I said REAR. No such thing as
> front stagger,although you can change sizes up front
> for adjusting, It's just not called Stagger.
> There are three things that stagger does that you need
> to know.
> First, the most important effect is on cornering
> under power or "getting off the corner". Everyone
> should be familiar with the comparison of a paper cup
> on It's side. The small end represents the inside tire
> and the large end represents the outside tire. Since
> the outside Is larger, it will cover more distance
> than the inside tire on each revolution.The car is
> actually steered by the rear tires trying to do equal
> work.This works ONLY if you have the rear end locked.
> Both tires have to be DRIVEN to get this effect.
> Another thing stagger does is move weight from one
> side of the car to another. The larger the tire, the
> more weight will be transfered.If you think in
> absurdities.. Like exagerated ! You can see the
> effect.What If you had a 12" rim and a small tire on
> the left rear and a BIG Mudder on a 19" rim on the
> outside... The left wheel would probably not even
> contact the track ! All the weight would be on the
> right rear. Now If we go back to a more realistic
> situation, we will move a little weight to the right
> with a larger right rear and vice-versa.
> Some weight will be changed at the front of the car
> also. Thinking again in exaggerated terms, If we had
> the wild set of tires on the back,the car would be
> trying to teeter on the right rear and left front.
> There is one more important thing to understand. We
> can move weight from left to right on a car,by
> changeing tire circumference ,spring rate and spring
> height, but we CAN"T move weight forward or backards
> by changeing size of tires or springs.
> What's all this about ? Well we want to either cure a
> push (understeer) or loose(oversteer) condition and we
> need to know what effect stagger has.
> First, What's the definition and root cause of "loose"
> ? Simply stated..The right rear tire is overloaded and
> can't grip the track under the conditions we have.
> Lot's of reasons... Slippery track,Hard tire compound,
> improper tire pressure(Tire tread not flat on track),
> spring/shock too stiff,Too much power for the tire
> size, driver not useing proper judgement,and too much
> stagger.Depending on where our loose problem is, Like
> on entry ,in the center or getting off, Loose could be
> caused by too much brake on the rear.Problems could be
> up front, but for this conversation, we will stick
> with the rear for now.
> "Push" is the absolute opposite of loose. The rear
> tires are geting good grip and doing the job, but
> front end is just not turning left when you want it
> to.The problem can be in the rear of the car as well
> as the front.Striking that "balance" between loose and
> push is the goal of all racers.
> Maybe later we can talk about the front end a
> little..Lots happening up there too.
> This is a complex subject that is hard to address in
> parts. As every experienced racer knows. .. Everything
> effects everything !
> A word about driver input needs to be inserted here.
> SMOOTH is the ticket ! Slamming the gas down and
> jumping on the brake will make a good car drive like a
> dump truck. Roll into the throttle and roll out. Use
> as little brake as possible even if you have to lift a
> little earlier. Try it you will probably make quicker
> lap times.Who knows, maybe the push or loose might go
> away !
> I was kinda hopeing we could keep this simple ! Like
> talking fuels,brakes,ignitions etc. LOL
> Come on you experienced guys... Jump in here and
> contribute. maybe that lapped car won't be in your way
> next time (maybe in your rear view mirror)!!
> Dave(fsstek)
dave as you well know telling some stories about how to do something and them believing you and getting them to do it are two different things but i do hope that some of these drivers take your words as gold it will only let them experiance the fast lane as i and you have in the past from listening the years gone by us

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  • Re: Stagger -- SS #28, 11:57:52 06/29/00 Thu
  • Re: Stagger -- Dave (fsstek), 12:41:25 06/29/00 Thu
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