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Date Posted: 02:13:47 10/04/05 Tue
Author: Angel
Subject: So that was it then? Her blissfully make-believe world had come crashing down already? after just six months? She turned her face away from him- the flare of anger only accentuating her beauty as she gazed out for a moment, back up from where she had come. She did her best to hold back her tears and lifted her almost coal black eyes back up to him, arching a brow as if trying to challenge him "Is she taking him away?" She'd fight it to the end if she had to... that girl was unfit to be a mother. Christian had a happy home with them.
In reply to: Vin 's message, "
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry
on 00:19:05 10/04/05 Tue

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  • He frowned at that, shaking his head. "I told you nothing is going to be messed up, Angel, I wouldn't let her take him away. She's just alone and confused and..." He let out a soft breath, taking off his baseball cap and running his hand over his head. He kept an eye on her for a second, catching the hint of tears in her eyes. "Baby...don't..everything is going to be ok. Don't you trust me?" (NT) -- Vin, 02:15:35 10/04/05 Tue

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