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Date Posted: 09:03:14 03/06/07 Tue
Author: Whitney & Luke
Subject: We are hanging here
In reply to: Savatore 's message, " We are, we are all innocent " on 12:15:56 03/04/07 Sun

She smiled a little bit at that - sometimes she wished she had siblings that much younger than her, but at the same time she knew it was a lot of work. At least her younger brother was pretty much self-sufficient these days. At the sight of the other two, she shifted to sit up so she was cross-legged and leaning back on her hands by the time they arrived and laughing at Savatore's teasing. She shook her head and her tone was gently scolding. "I'm sure he'll be glad to know you've informed me of his sexual tendencies..." She muttered back at him before the two were close enough to hear, and then leaned forward to grab the last piece of fruit from his plate and turned her gaze to Rachelle with a small smirk, her head tipped back a little. "Your boy is lazy, and this one here is perpetually hungry... They're kind of busts in the labor department." Her voice was light though - they had all been reasonably helpful for day though and accomplished some things....

His hand on the back of Rachelle's neck, he was guiding her slowly back in the direction of where everyone was working when he heard the familiar voice and scanned the area to find the source - not all that surprised to see Savatore still with the girl and just finishing up eating again. "Hey kids. You're one to talk about being lazy.." He scoffed, but didn't hesitate to flop down on the grass next to his best, letting his girl settle wherever she wanted and tossing a smile and a wink in the direction of the new girl. Leaning shoulder-to-shoulder with Sav, he peered down at the empty plate with a bit of a frown before turning his gaze to his friend's face. "Couldn't even save me scraps? Such a pig. No wonder you've been packing on the pounds lately."

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