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Date Posted: 12:15:56 03/04/07 Sun
Author: Savatore
Subject: We are, we are all innocent

"I'd be alright with just watching." He stated with a small smile, looking down to her for a moment as they walked. He had a good few inches on her, she was small but not tiny and he liked that. He'd been with more girls than he could count and wasn't exactly picky but he did like a girl who he didn't feel like he might break if he got a bit rough - which he often did. Agression, stress, lot's of stuff could be worked out through sex and he took advantage of that fact. He never hurt a girl, of course, but he definitely pushed the limits as far as he could. "Whitney huh? Cute name...where you from?" He was trying to find the smooth Sav that everyone knew who could have a girl in a puddle at his feet in moments but she kind of made him feel a little off his game. She didn't seem like the kind of guy to just meet a guy, sleep with him, and then go about her way and suddenly he was all to aware of the fact that just that was all he could offer a girl. Some might say he was thinking he knew to much about the girl for just meeting her but Sav was born to read people, to be a judge of character and he could just see it in her eyes, in the trusting set of her mouth, relaxed and casual, no sign of tension or anything. She seemed innocent, something that he was far, far from.

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