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Subject: "I certainly hope so Mom..."

Gravity of Love
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Date Posted: 17:06:09 01/26/02 Sat
In reply to: Jewel 's message, "~She started putting the raw meat onto the fire.~" on 11:30:55 01/26/02 Sat

¤Not knowing what else to say on the subject. She plops down by the fire, wings draping over her and tail curling around. For some odd reason, she felt so cold inside.¤

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[> [> [> [> Subject: she listens and rushes out

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Date Posted: 04:36:35 01/27/02 Sun

>It's all right. I know how he
>feels, believe it or not, my sister Diamond and I had
>trouble with our parents too. Real bad trouble. And
>still... We wanted to stay with them. They were the
>only thing we had up till we were old enough to move
>out and then we just had each other - then we got
>families. Since Thor's mum is back home, I think
>things ought to turn out all right from now till when
>ever he decides to move on.

>~She pauses, thinking about her own hatchlings getting
>older and moving out. But then, almost sensing what
>her daughter was thinking about the human, she blurted
>I know how it is... About Shamia. She don't belong
>here. She belongs with her own kind in the human
>world. She's so different, and I had control over the
>whole thing till Sese came and said she should stay,
>then Dusty decided to team up with her and Ripple. I'm
>sorry, honey. I wish I could do something. But I
>can't. This little girl just shouldn't be here and
>that's that. If Sese could have just stuck with her
>own rules, that girl wouldn't be here at all. But I'm
>not about to be rude to the thing. It'll just give 'er
>all the more reason to slay us all when she grows up.
>Haven't you heard all the stories? Your own Auntie,
>not Diamond obviously, but Crystal. Crystal was slain
>a long time ago, before I adopted any one of you. It
>was a sad day when that human came along and took our

>~She thought for a moment and decided to hush up,
>since she was cooking, handling food. The memory was
>too raunchy to think about.~
>No matter. One day this will all be cleared up.
>You'll see.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *walks in*Hey guys.I overheard you.I'm taking the human.>>>

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Date Posted: 10:05:09 01/27/02 Sun

*a deep hiss is heard in her throat*I don't know why it likes you.ALL YOU DO IS SHUN THE POOR THING!I might have to kill it,now that Ripple hates it too.It shouldn't have to be treated like that!She didn't kill your aunt,she did absolutly nothing to you!*snarls*She's a baby and doesn't know,but no,you have to just toss her out.At least now i can keep her,since my stupid parents left forever!*sighs and kicks the wall*I mean,you guys don't know how lucky you are to have parents that actually care about you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She looked apalled.~ Singular, Dusty. It's PARENT. I don't have a mate.

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Date Posted: 14:36:03 01/27/02 Sun

~She thinks for a minute or two before saying,~
Listen Dusty... I don't mean to shun her. But she's so different and none of us are used to her being here with us. I didn't like the idea of keeping her at all. You know that. But I don't want her killed either. None of us hates her, we're just uncomfortable right now. It's new to us and Sese sort of surprised me by changing her ways so darn quick. Shamia will be staying with us because we simply don't have a choice anymore. Crystal went out and got that human mad is all. It's not as though I'm suggesting Shamia would do the same thing to any one of us. If she stays long enough, she'll learn to like us maybe. But I can tell you right now that neither of us wants her killed. You don't either, if I know you at all, Dusty. As much as I'd like to say otherwise, we don't have many other options besides keeping her here.
~She pauses, thinking about Diamond and Maxx.~
And I know your parents haven't been around at all lately. I am very surprised and a bit upset with Diamond, knowing she's been active all her years here. ((Her player, Laura, is the one who showed this game to me.)) But Dusty, you're more than welcome to stay here if you want to. If you don't want to settle down, I want you to know that you can visit anytime you want to. Diamond and Maxx aren't being fair, if I do say so myself. Don't forget that you have family nearby and you're welcome anytime and anywhere. Okay?
~She stops talking and looks over at Gravity. She turned to the meat and flipped it over, making sure it was done.~
Dusty, would you care to have some dinner here with us? It would be great if you would join us.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *looks at her still mad,but decides to stay*Fine,i'll stay.

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Date Posted: 16:12:21 01/28/02 Mon

*looks in the corner where Shamia was sleeping*Poor creature.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She looks on silently.~

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Date Posted: 15:13:24 01/31/02 Thu

Good. I'm glad you'll stay. And as for Shamia... She's a part of the family now and we'll all come to accept it. She will grow to be an equal here, and I'm sure it won't take long for her to feel completely at home.
~She watched Shamia as well, and felt badly for all the things she thought and said about her. But she accepted her now and hoped that Shamia would forgive her.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *looks*Jewel.I shall miss you.I am going to the war.

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Date Posted: 16:33:06 02/04/02 Mon

>Good. I'm glad you'll stay. And as for Shamia...
>She's a part of the family now and we'll all come to
>accept it. She will grow to be an equal here, and I'm
>sure it won't take long for her to feel completely at

>~She watched Shamia as well, and felt badly for all
>the things she thought and said about her. But she
>accepted her now and hoped that Shamia would forgive

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ~She takes her niece into her arms showing unexpected affection.~

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Date Posted: 16:56:16 02/08/02 Fri

You must be careful, Dusty. I will be helping here, taking care of the wounded and guarding the territory. Please carry yourself well and take them down!
~She tries to grin~

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