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Date Posted: 04:36:35 01/27/02 Sun
>It's all right. I know how he
>feels, believe it or not, my sister Diamond and I had
>trouble with our parents too. Real bad trouble. And
>still... We wanted to stay with them. They were the
>only thing we had up till we were old enough to move
>out and then we just had each other - then we got
>families. Since Thor's mum is back home, I think
>things ought to turn out all right from now till when
>ever he decides to move on.
>~She pauses, thinking about her own hatchlings getting
>older and moving out. But then, almost sensing what
>her daughter was thinking about the human, she blurted
>I know how it is... About Shamia. She don't belong
>here. She belongs with her own kind in the human
>world. She's so different, and I had control over the
>whole thing till Sese came and said she should stay,
>then Dusty decided to team up with her and Ripple. I'm
>sorry, honey. I wish I could do something. But I
>can't. This little girl just shouldn't be here and
>that's that. If Sese could have just stuck with her
>own rules, that girl wouldn't be here at all. But I'm
>not about to be rude to the thing. It'll just give 'er
>all the more reason to slay us all when she grows up.
>Haven't you heard all the stories? Your own Auntie,
>not Diamond obviously, but Crystal. Crystal was slain
>a long time ago, before I adopted any one of you. It
>was a sad day when that human came along and took our
>~She thought for a moment and decided to hush up,
>since she was cooking, handling food. The memory was
>too raunchy to think about.~
>No matter. One day this will all be cleared up.
>You'll see.
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