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Date Posted: 11:05:29 05/12/02 Sun
~She looks down at him.~
I want to know why you did it. I know that's not the Druid I adopted. When you did those things to Comyra, I didn't know what to do with myself. I remembered the way you looked when I adopted you. You were sitting there, innocently enough for a dark, waiting for someone to come and scoop you up to care for you. Then the next day you go off and abuse a little hatchling? That's just wrong, Druid!
~She sits down on a rock nearby.~
I think you knew it was wrong. But why did you do those things to her?
~She sighs and continues.~
Besides, what were you doing eavesdropping on Dendara and my conversation?
~She was only joking about that part, but it still puzzled her how he could listen without being seen at all. They were right out in the open talking.~
Now, about getting rid of you... I thought I might have to before, but I doubt it now. Since the group of dragons I told you about don't care to continue the conversation at the Dark Lair, they can't decide a suitable punishment for you. I should really punish you myself, but I think you understand now. And I truly think that you've learned your lesson as much as you possibly can. So I am positive that you'll be staying here... You're stuck with us, Druid.
~She was worried though about her other hatchlings. Where could they have gone off to? She hadn't seen any of them for a very long time. Then there was her neice, Dusty, who was to stay in the lair because she had no other place to go, and she hadn't seen her anyplace for a long time either.~
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