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Thursday, 02 January, 09:34:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: A Theory on Complaining

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Date Posted: 22/11/02 9:41am

I was thinking about this while trying to write some feedback on a story I read recently. It is so much easier to gripe than to praise. When you are complaining, very often you can say, "Well, here and here and here was this problem and this problem and this problem." You can be specific.

When you are praising something, it tends to be more like, "ooh, that was nice." End of subject.

Maybe part of the reason the negative boards are so active and the positive boards are either very quiet or tend to wander off into irrelevant conversations is it is easier to gripe than praise. You can pick on specific things that annoy you and offer your solution. If you like something, all you can say is, yah, I liked that, eh.

Plus our emotions tend to engage more when we are griping. We get angry and the adrenaline rushes. When we are praising, it's serotonin time and we are all laid back.

So. . .we who LIKE Andromeda and Kevin Sorbo just sit back, happy and content, nodding our heads, while the bitchers and moaners are running around all fired up.

Either that or the majority of people on the negative boards are just plain unpleasant and I'd like to give most of them the benefit of the doubt. Not all. There are half a dozen or so who strike me as genuinely nasty but MOST of them are probably well-meaning. It's just easier to articulate anger.

Of course, some of them also seem to need a real life but that's a whole 'nother topic.


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