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Subject: Re: 3x03 Mad to be saved - weird?

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Date Posted: 6/01/03 3:06pm
In reply to: Darkness 's message, "3x03 Mad to be saved - weird?" on 6/01/03 12:44pm

My understanding is that the people weren't crazy when the doctor got hold of them. He was experiementing on ways to store information in peoples brains. In order to ensure they would not give out the info he "brainwashed" is the only term I can think of now, into spewing out bits of information to protect the real info when they were questioned. The subjects had to be somewhat compliant. Since they were not, they were tortured with electro shock and other means to get them to be compliant.

Dylan did not like this when he found out. In fact he was disgusted. In the scene with the doctor, after he found out, he said he could pretend he never got the order and kill the doctor. NO, Dylan was not happy with the CW for their involvement, not at all.

I believe the reason Dylan was a bit happier at the end was because the doctor was dead and couldn't do this any more and the people were going to get treatment, help and hopefully be able to live some kind of normal life some day.

I never got the feeling Dylan was happy. In fact he seemed very upset with the CW, angry with them. He certainly wasn't going along with it. Once he found out what was happening he was mad.

>I just saw the 3x03 episode again, the one where
>Andromeda saves this freighter full of crazy people,
>who turn out to be victims of this evil doctor.
>Did anyone else find this episode extremely weird, or
>is it just me? I mean, this doctor guy tortures these
>people and makes them insane (or simply more insane),
>just to store some information, and apparently with
>CWs approval, and Dylan is simply going along with
>it??? At the end, he's even kinda satisfied, now that
>the doc is dead and the people are being shipped off
>to the 'happy' planet??? How weird is that? I guess
>the good of many really outweighs the good of a few

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