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Subject: Re: Hacking Problems (not here)

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Date Posted: 13/01/03 8:33pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Re: Hacking Problems (not here)" on 13/01/03 8:28am

Yes the board was hacked into and the posts from the OQ were sent out by way of PM to many. Then HF posted the entire OQ on several boards. It has certainly caused a great deal of problems, hurt feelings and more. SS is now shut down. We don't when or if Lisa and Christian will reopen it. Time will tell.

So, that's what has happened. While the board has had it's fair share of problems, there are a lot of good people there who shouldn't have to go through all this.

I guess the only answer is technology is far from perfect and nothing is private. So, we have learned a valuable lesson, unfortunately at the expense of some folks feelings. It's a shame and I feel bad for many folks.


>Some people have too much time on their hands and
>waste it foolishly *sigh*
>Yes, one of the people hacked was Cardie, and of
>course I'd just returned to SS [having had Jid re-open
>my SS account in private] and found my second post
>back, hacked by 'Cardie's Hacker' with a ton of porn.
>Not even original - all posts had the same pics.
>It's maddening because they targetted a lot of 'high
>profile' people, including HF! Of course the one that
>upsets me the most is Jill Sherwin's account being
>hacked and banned... and this new tech guy isn't
>helping, she's basically left SS and she's been a
>fixture on the board since before Andromeda aired!
>Now this other crap about someone getting OQ posts and
>linking to them... that's just sickening. I'm glad I
>turned off PM ability - if someone wants to send me
>something, email me, sheesh! NOT that I would read
>something that private. I'm glad Undina was banned and
>I'm sure there'll be a few more flushed out soon.
>New board, new problems to be ironed out... I'll give
>them time. I'm sure the Official Board is laughing -
>they're now the 'favoured' board.
>Oh and I might add I will ban here, and have twice
>already - to keep the peace.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Hacking Problems (not here)cwcandromeda15/01/03 7:05pm

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