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Thursday, 02 January, 09:11:am GMT-7Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234567[8]9 ]
Subject: Re: Hacking Problems (not here)

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Date Posted: 15/01/03 7:05pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Re: Hacking Problems (not here)" on 13/01/03 8:28am

>Some people have too much time on their hands and
>waste it foolishly *sigh*
>Yes, one of the people hacked was Cardie, and of
>course I'd just returned to SS [having had Jid re-open
>my SS account in private] and found my second post
>back, hacked by 'Cardie's Hacker' with a ton of porn.
>Not even original - all posts had the same pics.
>It's maddening because they targetted a lot of 'high
>profile' people, including HF! Of course the one that
>upsets me the most is Jill Sherwin's account being
>hacked and banned... and this new tech guy isn't
>helping, she's basically left SS and she's been a
>fixture on the board since before Andromeda aired!
>Now this other crap about someone getting OQ posts and
>linking to them... that's just sickening. I'm glad I
>turned off PM ability - if someone wants to send me
>something, email me, sheesh! NOT that I would read
>something that private. I'm glad Undina was banned and
>I'm sure there'll be a few more flushed out soon.
>New board, new problems to be ironed out... I'll give
>them time. I'm sure the Official Board is laughing -
>they're now the 'favoured' board.
>Oh and I might add I will ban here, and have twice
>already - to keep the peace.

I found quotes to the OQF in an e-mail in my inbox. Even though it is sickening that someone would waste time hacking that board, I never dreamed that SSBBS admins/mods were conversing like that behind a hidden forum. Never in my life. Oh well. I'm not a fan of the official board, either. I found it just as bad as the SSBBS. *shrugs* Glad to see some places are keeping their strong empire mark, by maintaining the peace. Good work, Mai!

Christopher William Coddington (cwcandromeda)

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