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Date Posted: 04:31:15 12/06/24 Fri
Author: Haters gonna hate
Subject: Shake it off
In reply to: Oireachtas 's message, "Workshop teachers" on 14:05:37 11/28/24 Thu

Haters going to hate.
For starters… Every child that stepped foot on those stages did amazing. We are all taking that away from them.
Does cheating happen? Sure. We all still continue to register kids to dance.
Do certain schools get a closer look because of the symbols on their dresses or what school they dance with- they sure do. That’s because they have earned that. This happens everywhere. Parents, other teachers and dancers also look harder at those schools too..
Were certain placements shocking, yes they were but this is at local feis too.
Winners won, everyone should be happy that the kids continue to get up on that stage and show everyone why they love to dance and keep Irish dance alive.
The jealousy is unreal.
Did some judges rank lower and higher. Sure. Happens every where. That doesn’t go unnoticed. Are teachers friends with judges outside - sure they are. Irish dance is a pretty small world. Could things be changed regionally to ensure a fair judging panel each time… that is impossible in my opinion for any region.
The comments about one school being better then all the others is a little much. Some smaller schools did fantastic without getting an extra look from the start.

Good luck to all the dancers from all school who WQ and NQ
Make the region proud

Too add- the committee did a great job 👏

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