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Date Posted: 18:50:37 12/10/24 Tue
Author: DD
Subject: Glad to see the majority of these replies coming from a place of common sense
In reply to: CLRG sort it out 's message, "Come on CLRG A Boy who is nearly 16 at the height of puberty in a girls competition are you actually serious! Where is child protection for the GIRLS huge advantage over them . This is what’s wrong !" on 04:21:17 12/09/24 Mon

With Trump elected in the USA and Poilievre about to be elected in Canada, we are about to see a dramatic shift in woke policies. Hopefully the next government elected in Ireland grows some balls so to speak, and protects girls in sport, prompting CLRG and Sandra Connick to follow suit. Her one-sided half-day indoctrination session of the CLRG reps the day before the vote on this issue showed her true colours - bending the knee to the activists and keeping the status quo instead of championing fairness for girls in sport.

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  • This is why Trump won. America is not ready or willing to accept the trans community. Happily accept gay teachers but until there are trans TC's, we will remain stuck here. -- --, 08:53:22 12/11/24 Wed
  • No one cares that the kid is trans. It’s about a biological male in a female competition (NT) -- Biology not bigotry, 01:29:55 12/12/24 Thu
  • Trump won, in part, because people are tired of people telling them they are bigots if they don’t think boys belong in girls sports. Calling someone a hater isn’t persuasive. (NT) -- Try again, 05:35:02 12/12/24 Thu

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