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Date Posted: 09:43:05 01/19/25 Sun
Author: x
Subject: It MEANS...
In reply to: 😂😂😂😂😂 's message, "US CIS mom and CIS dancers, whatever the hell that means?" on 16:24:53 01/15/25 Wed

That even though I am not trans myself, and neither are my children, I can have compassion for those that are, and don't condone people being rude and cruel.

Like I said, I think it is a very complicated matter. I'm willing to discuss it with people who want to address their concerns in a calm, respectful and sensible way. I can see the point of concern in some sports (not as much in Irish dance-perhaps because I've been involved for years in a region that seldom divides boys and girls until Oireachtas, and it just wasn't an issue). I have no time for those that are "howling with Joy" over someone else's rights being taken away, name calling and being cruel.

The bottom line is that there have been other trans competitors competing. As long as they were in the middle of the pack somewhere, no one seemed to care. The fact that this particular trans dancer is actually pretty good is what caused all the hubbub, and the wolves came out with teeth bared. In your dancer's long life...that one place up or down at an Oireachtas (or natioanls, or worlds or the local feis) is not going to change the course of her life. The bullying, and cruelness shown toward a trans youth CAN have a huge life altering or even life threatening effect on them. In my opinion, that tips the scale. Kindness has huge value. Kindness toward a YOUTH, all the MORE important.

Also, like other's have mentioned. The new guy in the whitehouse still isn't going to be making the rules for CLRG.

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