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Date Posted: 15:08:18 02/06/25 Thu
Author: Teach what actually happened
Subject: You know that might be a reasonable explanation if it wasn't for the collective freakout over so called CRT and the fact that books that deal with ANY themes of race, sexual orientation are being pulled from curriculums or being outright banned!
In reply to: Inside 's message, "What education is really teaching about the “skills” point" on 13:37:28 02/06/25 Thu

The college board actually pulled AC accreditation in Florida for psychology courses because it refused to include any reference to gender identity or care, essentially altering the curriculum to reflect its alt right agenda. I know this subject sets conservatives head on fire but suggesting that all of this is just MSNBC fake news is just plain wrong!

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  • That's fine, but are they teaching about the skills enslaved Africans brought with them that were then learned and utilized by white plantation owners? Because otherwise, you're just teaching part of the story (see inside) -- An actual US history teacher, 18:56:44 02/06/25 Thu
  • OMG Thank you!!! Hopefully they won't pile on you and call you foul names . (NT) -- 😊, 07:10:03 02/07/25 Fri

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