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Date Posted: 15:28:00 02/06/25 Thu
Author: 😊
Subject: Poor, did you miss the part where I sent all 3 of my kids to private school??
In reply to: 🙄 's message, "You didn’t say dual at first so you can and clearly do have a guilt complex and are full of lies" on 14:59:09 02/06/25 Thu

My life is actually amazing in spite of the direction the country I choose to live in and used to love ! What guilt would I have?!!! I have been and activist for womens/LGBTQ/ and basic civil rights since coming to this country, if I feeling guilty about anything it's that I clearly didn't do enough to stop this shit show MAGA movement! The irony is that the things he is doing to hurt people are probably not going to directly affect me, at first anyway. I no longer have to worry about the education system as my kids are in college, I am a white pretty comfortably off suburban woman, and I can leave if I want to! However, I care deeply about others right, and I fear for the generation of kids coming out of the brave new education system because they will be at a disadvantage , and it's hard enough for young people as it is. I did not set out to insult anyone, I am passionate about this subject as I am in fact an educator, was preschool now college, and I love the kids I teach and am terrified for them!

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