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Chicago UBF is growing recently. This year we had a goal to raise 350 American sheep. God answered our prayer by sending 350 Americans to our worship service on November 8th. We started this prayer when we had an average of 250 Americans. Among them were around 50 "uncle" sheep. I gradually sent the "uncle" sheep away to proper churches [So Lee admits UBF is not a proper church! What is it, then? They never defined it!] for their lifestyles and way of thinking [what was wrong with their lifestyle?]. They were too old to be raised as the leaders of this nation [or too old to get fully indoctrinated?]. So in reality, our number came down to 200. At the same time I could not deliver the messages even though I wrote all of the messages [he does not say why he could not]. So I began to try American shepherds as messengers. At first we lost many members [Lee implies here that the reason was that Lee preached better]. But after 6 months Pastor Ron Ward gained God's power through his humbleness. Nobody praced for the goal of 350 Americans. But I prayed [bragging about his own prayer - compare Mt 6:5!]. Of course, many prayed for 350 when I pushed them to pray. But when I did not push them, they did not remember our prayer topics. [UBF ministry is a ministry which only works by pushing people. Lee was very aware of this.] But God had mercy on us and this goal is established. [Why was this considered God's mercy on *them*, and not mercy on those who were led to Bible study?] God is faithful to answer our prayer. The next goal is 500 Americans by Christmas time. Among Americans there are many kinds of Americans. We call them "others." We pray that our "others" number may be decreased (!) and that our white American number may be increased. ...
It is my prayer that UBF may continue to be a manger ministry [see Mark Yoon]. Whoever finishes college can become a president of any nation. [What's the meaning of that sentence? I don't get it.] Among our staff shepherds in UBF or our missionaries, there are many who attend seminaries instead of digging the Bible until living water welling up to eternal life gushes out. [He creates an artificial contradiction and opoosite between "dry" seminary Bible study and "living water" UBF style Bible study! Can you see how he manipulates people with words?] It is wrong to attend seminary or study graduate courses. [This is the official statement of Lee, written black on white!] They can study in seminary or grad school after they have finished Bible study and become masters of the Bible and first established the work of God, at least 500 members under their care (full time staff) or 120 flock of God under his care (missionaries), only through [UBF style] Bible study and digging the living water and feeding people witht he bread of life he made through [UBF style] Bible study. ... May God keep UBF as an organization for student evangelism and self-supporting missionaries [was Lee self-supporting?]. May God bless UBF to remain as a manger ministry.