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Date Posted: 04:08:40 10/15/04 Fri
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: Systematic Obedience Training
In reply to: Joe 's message, "Re: Systematic Obedience Training" on 22:05:53 10/14/04 Thu

Why does Bill go along with it for all that time until he is finally conditioned ("fully trained")?

In the case of those who became believers through UBF Bible study, it is part of their belief that God had put them at that place, so this is the place where God wants to have you. Leaving your place means leaving your calling. My chapter leader made this completely clear, e.g. by a misapplication of the verse "Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him."

Maybe this does apply to UBF 2nd gens as well. And maybe even to those who had been already believers, because after a while they start to believe that they had already spiritually failed and had been name Christians only, while UBF rescued them and made them elite Christians.

Another point with obedience training is that you start to believe you will be unspiritual, unrepentant, proud etc. if you reject the training. The only way to be "humble" is to subject to the training. I remember when I started to question UBF, I needed some months to make myself really sure that I was not doing it out of pride or because I wanted to find an excuse to not deny myself or something.

UBF uses many mind control techniques in the obedience training. It's not so easy to snap out of mind control.

I don't think I was ever fully conditioned.

I would say the same about me. And maybe that is the reason why we both eventually were able to break free. As I learned from books about mind control, it is nearly never 100%, and it is nearly never irreversible. But there are a lot of members where it is so close to 100% that they never leave.

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  • Re: Systematic Obedience Training -- PECAS, 15:58:04 10/21/04 Thu

  • Systematic Obedience Training, the limits of -- Joe, 10:12:49 10/22/04 Fri

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