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Date Posted: 11:43:36 10/15/04 Fri
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: Systematic Obedience Training
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Systematic Obedience Training" on 21:11:16 10/14/04 Thu


Thanks for visiting the board. Please post whatever you like.

I remember one young man was getting ready to graduate from UIC. He already had a wife and a small child (this alone made him somewhat undesirable for ubf, having his own family apart from ubf). They were believers before coming to ubf. The husband had the hope of entering into aviation missionary trianing. There is a program in Florida(?) in conjunction with Moody Bible Institute. He wanted to enter that program and serve in Central America and South America to people in remote areas.

The ubfKoreans never akcnowledged in public that this is what the young Americna man wanted to do. They simply said that they pray for him to accept God's calling to be a campus shepherd. And then they tried to divide him and his wife so they would be weakened, more willing to accept 'campus mission'.

I remember another guy at UIC who wanted to leave UIC and attend Jimmy Swaggart Bible College (before Jimmy fell apart). He was told, like you said, that this was his human idea, and he should study the Bible more untill God tells him where he should go. Of course, he should only study at ubf. This young man also believed Once Saved Always Saved. (This was regarded as heresy at ubf. Now I totally agree with that, though people derive that sometimes in the wrong way.)

Those are the only two cases like that I can remember in Chicago, most people who have already have some idea about serving the Lord don't want to be subject to ubf.

It sounds like you are saying that ubf inhibits individuals from seeking the will of God, and that is true. ubf has a predetermined pattern for you to follow. Anyone who deviates from the ubf predetermined pattern is subjected to negative psychology untill they either give in or leave. You are correct to zero in on the Sammule Lee heritage of spiritual order, which is only manifested by obeying your shepherd, who directs every area of your life. If you carry the spiritual order principal to its ultimate conclusion, the will of God is revealed to you by obeying your shepherd. There is no other conclusion.

Please post alot of thoughts. God bless.

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  • Re: Systematic Obedience Training -- Anonymous, 14:10:19 10/15/04 Fri

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