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Date Posted: 14:10:19 10/15/04 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Re: Systematic Obedience Training
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Systematic Obedience Training" on 21:11:16 10/14/04 Thu


Thanks for your well-thought posting. UBF leaders are very deceptive and manipulative. Before you even enter your first Bible study, before they know one thing about you, they have a plan for you. They push this plan on you and make you believe it is God's will.

Some examples: I was pushed to get a PhD in order to "be a PhD shepherd for the glory of God." This was probably to keep me on a college campus as long as possible so I could do their "fishing" work. I was told to "get all A's for the glory of God." Later, when my PhD work was getting intensive, I was told, "Give up your human ambition to God. It is ok to get C or D." Probably they saw I was spending my time working, and not "fishing."

At one UBF conference, I had a dizzy spell because of dehydration (and because of the relentless emotional pressures of the conference). My "shepherd," who had no medical training, told me that I had to start eating a lot "by faith," including drinking orange juice. I was routinely pressured into eating foods I did not like and drinking drinks I did not like. I complied with the "shepherd"'s demands as much as I could and changed my eating habits. Later, I came to question my "shepherd" about many of the un-Christian things that he was doing in the "ministry." Before I got one sentence finished, he started lambasting me, saying that I was a dirty worm and that I was an unrepentant sinner condemned to hell because I did not obey his "direction" to eat more and drink orange juice. (This was a clue to me that something was wrong - he accused me of being cursed to hell for not obeying his direction, even though I obeyed it and he didn't know.)

Other examples: being forced into doing all sorts of crazy things like "drama." Once I was forced to write a drama. I spent a lot of time preparing it. Then when time came to start practice, another leader told me that he had written the drama. I had been told to write a drama just for "training."

Another example: message training. I would come in with my own written message. After reading a paragraph or two, my "shepherd" would stop me and say, "no, no." Then he would walk into the other room and return with Kim Jong-Il Lee's message and say, "digest this message and rewrite." Then I would read the Kim Jong-Il Lee message and incorporate some of it into my message, some of it copied verbatim. Then I returned to "share" it with my "shepherd." I would get a little bit into it before he said "no, no, stop. This is wrong. You have to think this way...." The irony is some of the times he told me "no, no, this is not good" were in the parts where I had copied Kim Jong-Il Lee verbatim!

There are so many other examples I could go on forever. Thanks PECAS, for speaking out. I'm glad you were able to see through UBF's deception and emotional control. I hope you are recovering well.

Anonymous ex-UBFer

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  • Re: Systematic Obedience Training -- ChicagoXile, 17:48:44 10/20/04 Wed

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