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Date Posted: 12:28:25 04/07/05 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery
In reply to: Question 's message, "Cosmetic Surgery" on 07:43:44 04/07/05 Thu

"Question", why don't you use your real name or at least a unique nickname when writing here? Actually, this is also part of our Netiquette. And instead of only answering questions, we would also like to know why people are asking and who is asking.

To answer your question 1, he did not only order women to get perms, but he ordered women to cut their hair and men to have perms. He even ordered men to get circumcised for whatever reason. He ordered men to pull toenails out, sit in ice water, beat each other, humiliate each other in every possible way. He ordered people to have different names, different clothing, different shape (thicker or thinner) and so on.

On this background, it must have seemed not such a big step for him to even order abortions.

Concerning question 2, why would he get people to change themselves physically. The first reason is to change their personality. Cults always try to change the personality of people. By giving people different a name (e.g. "Abraham" instead of "Yung-Gyu"), a new title ("Missionary"), a different clothin (suit and tie instead of jeans), a new look (perms), he tried to change their self-perception, to forget their old personality and develop a new cult personality. Second, he simply tried to demonstrate his power over them and test their obedience, and train them to learn to be obedient to him in every aspect. Third, he simply liked to control other people and have power over them. "Power monger" people simply enjoy the thought that others do whatever they demand of them.

Concerning question 3, what does this have to do with God. Nothing.

Concerning 4, since I assume you are from Chicago, why don't you make a little investigation yourself how many of the Koreans in your chapter had eyelid surgery or other cosmetic surgery, and whose idea it was. Don't expect honest answers.

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