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Date Posted: 11:39:41 04/22/05 Fri
Author: PECAS
Subject: Re: how the ubfKoreans married their daughters
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "how the ubfKoreans married their daughters" on 14:43:03 04/21/05 Thu

>Hi No prizes,
>I was very long time ubf member in Chicago, and
>witnessed a number of 2nd gen marriages. The details
>of how they decided which ubfKorean kids would marry
>who was kept in total secret from the ubfAmericans.
>After getting out of the ubf, I heard a story from a
>ubfKorean. The ubfKorean said that EE Chang Woo
>appointed Charles Kim as part of the arranged marriage
>process. Chuckie would go to the home of the target
>father and say in code something like "Oh, Dr. Sammule
>Lee is praying for your daughter to marry!" Then the
>responses from the ubfKorean were very anxious such as
>'Who could she marry? Is Dr. Lee praying for my
>daughter to marry a medical doctor? I better give Dr.
>Lee a cash bonus so that when he prays he will be
>inspired to marry my daughter to a doctor.' That was
>the natural anxiety that attacked the father. And the
>father did not have any say in who his daughter could
>marry, his only hope was to give enough cold cash to
>EE Chang Woo to assure his daughter could marry
>someone who was not a mental patient or whatever. EE
>Chang Woo was a vindicative and greedy man. When he
>demanded money, he did not like to be rebuffed.
>And I think this perfectly describes what EE Chang Woo
>did in terms of arranging marriage for 2nd gen
>ubfKoreans. The father I spoke to was highly offended
>by Chuckie Kim's tatics and did not offer any cash
>bonus. He said it was tantamount to selling his
>daughter. The lady in question eventually dumped the
>ubf and married on her own, very happily.

Samuel Lee was a marriage pimp. Give Lee more money and he will provide the best husband. This is no better than the Internet dating services that constantly bombard my Email. Did the same process work with sons? Was there anything that Lee would not use to extract money; arrangement of marriage, wedding, graduation, new job, birth of children, death, and the list goes on and on.

How would UBF loyalists respond? Lee was filled with spirit to train the 'missionaries' to have a sacrifical, giving spirit. They can thank God for his blessings and thank Samuel Lee for his sacrifical heart with a substantial thanksgiving offering. During my years in UBF, everything Lee did was justified as Lee being filled with spirit or a charismatic leader who had such great love for college students. The Koreans must have been so thankful for Lee's great love to pray for their children's marriage that they made a thanksgiving offering.


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